Chapter One

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Song Of The Chater:Cry with you

Artist: Hunter Hayes

      Ariana's P.O.V

I'm now boarding the plane to Miami.Me and my mom are escaping away from James.My ex-boyfriend who seems not to give up on me when I say it's over and takes his aggression out on me.I shuffled onto the plane in a hurry.I saw a blonde male about six foot two with clear brown eyes.I made a run.Too many memories.....


I was tooken away from my house when my mom left earlier for work.I was sleeping silently till James took me.

"James,what are you doing?"I stutterd.

"I'm taking you home baby,were gonna have some fun."he devishly smirked.

  I pulled my arm from his grip."James no please!"I cried.

"Don't argue now lets go!"he growled

   He pulled me into his dark sleek convertible and threw me in the back while pulling the top up.I struggled to find my phone,when I did I knew the first person to call.My mom.It rang for four times before she answered..

"Mom,I need you to come to James's house."a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Honey,what's wrong?"she was worried now.

        After I explained she told me to kick out the backlight.I did as I was told.She was now in the car."Okay,Ari,jump!"I kicked out the last light making a big enough space for me to jump out of.I jumped out and tumbled a bit.My mom hauled to a stop.I hoped in."Thank you."I cried harder now.We drove home."Pack your bags were leaving tonight!"my mom growled.I did as told hoping I can get a change out of this.

*Flashback ended.*

  I put my hood up to fall asleep.Soon I was drifting off to my dream it was full of nightmareous dreams of James.I didn't realize I was screaming until I was shooken awake by the flight attendent.I was gasping for air. "Honey,are you okay?"she had an southern accent.She gripped onto my shoulder.I nodded.I plugged in my head phones to my Ipod and played smooth sweet music to sooth me until my mother returned......

*In Miami*

  "Ari,this is your new room okay."my mom said with a glemful look.It was like every ordinary teenage girls bedroom.It had a bed,a dresser,a desk,a tvv,and a computure.Nothing much has really changed.I examed my room learing every possible escape if he ever found me.My mom returned.

"Ariana,sweetheart,I think you should go out tonight.You know,make some friends,find a new lover."she shimmied her hips.I laughed.

"Maybe I will....."I smiled staring outside my window looking at the beach front view.I'm going to change things around I thought to myself.Starting tonight....

Austin's P.O.V

   I've been in the studio all week  working on the album.I barely ever contact my friends anymore or even socialize with people around here.It's all about the music right now and my career.I can't afford to blow it on a girlfriend either which I haven't had one in forever.You would think,"He's probley had a ton!"but I haven't had the time to get one.

Right now I just finished recording a new single that I will be realesing to my Mahomies in about a few weeks.I really hope they enjoy this one.

"Alright,your free to go Austin."Rocco spoke into the microphone outside the booth.

"You sure?I could do another.Really it doesn't really bothe-"I said before I was inturrupted.

"Austin!You've been here all week!Take a break and meet some people,maybe even a girl.That would be good for your career actualy."Rocco barked.

"But-"I tried speaking again.,

"Austin.Now!"he growled.

    I stepped out of the recording booth.I decieded that I would need a good subway sandwich to make me feel better right now.I went to the elevator to go up st the room Dave and my mom were waiting in.I began to sing a song in the elevator to entertain me.Rocco's right.I do need to socialize more and get a girlfriend.

   The doors opened up and I was greeted by Dave and my mom.

   "What's wrong bro?"Dave asked.

  "Rocco said I need to socialize and get a girlfriend."I sighed.

  "Well,he's kinda right Austin."my mom said.

  "What?"I said

  "Go out Austin!Go meet a girl or something!"my mom started pushing me out the door.

  "But mom-."I started.

  "Austin.No.Just go."she smirked.

      I sighed thwn went to the elevator.Where to go,where to go? I thought to myself.Hmm...maybe I can go to that new teen club they just opened up.Yeah I guess I will.

     I called a cab to come pick me up.I stood outside and shivered waiting for the cab to come.When it finally arrived I got into the back seat and told the man my destionation.When I arrived there and walked in I saw a pretty girl in a dark blue dress that clung to her small figure.She looked as if she was waiting for someone or something to save her.

   I had to meet this girl if it's the last thing I do.I just have to.She's gotta be the one...

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