Mansion Of Fears

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Tony knocked on the door and there was no response.

Colin: I guess no one is home-

*The door opens*

Gilbert: Well... That’s just spooky..

Lily: Cool!

Colin: I suppose we go inside..?

Paige: Mhm!

Once they got in it looked normal at first. But then water started to rise and caused Colin to get nervous.

Colin: Uh.. *looks down and sees water rising*

Colin: Oh god.

Electracey: Okay, what kind of mansion has water?

Paige: Oh god, wet socks, WET. SOCKS.

Tony: Uh.. Colin-

Colin: I’m- *glitch* fi- *glitch* fine- *glitching*

Paige: is he okay?

Gilbert: don’t worry, his fine. He just glitches when nervous.

Colin: let’s just- *glitch* c-c-c-c-c *glitching* continue- ex- *glitch* exploring.

Electracey: But-

Colin: I’ll- *glitch* b-b-b-b *glitch* be fine- *glitching*

Electracey: whatever if you say so I guess..

A few minutes exploring Colin starts to get more nervous

Colin: *glitching*

Colin: *in mind* It’s just water.. Just water.. Your waterproof... And it won’t hurt you.

Electracey: Hey, if your not feeling well. We can just head back.

Colin: *glitching* Y- *glitch* your- *glitching* r-r-right *glitch*

Electracey: Alright, let’s go.

They went around the mansion and couldn’t find the exist.

Paige: Uh.. I don’t remember this place being this big.

Tony: Me neither..

Gilbert suddenly couldn’t see anyone. (his not blind he just couldn’t see or hear the others)

Gilbert: Guys?

Colin: yeah?

Gilbert: Where are you?

Colin: right here?


Electracey: Gilbert! Stop joking around!

Gilbert: Guys..? *suddenly starts shaking*

Colin: wait, he can’t see us?

Electracey: I.. Don’t think so..

Tony: This is getting intense..

Paige: I don’t like this..

Lily: Me neither..

Spiders start coming towards Electracey.

Electracey: Oh god. *starts stomping on them and trying to avoid them*

Lots of spiders coming towards Electracey.


Gilbert: GUYSS!! WHERE ARE YOU!???!!!

Paige: What is going-

It suddenly went dark to Paige.

Paige: Oh no. HELP!


Paige: Everything is so dark..

Tony: What do you mean?

Paige suddenly clinged onto Tony.


Tony: What’s-

Tony suddenly sees his standing a tall mountain.


Colin: Tony! *glitching* A-are *glitch* y-y-y-y-you *glitch* al-al-al-alright *glitch*

Tony: It’s.. So high..

Lily: Guys! What’s happening!?

Colin: W-w-wait *glitch* a-a-a *glitch* a m-m-minute *glitch*

Lily: Hm?

Colin: FEARS- *glitch* IT’S OUR- *glitch* FEARS- *glitch*

Paige: Huh?

Colin: D-d-don’t *glitching* you guys- *glitch* realised? *glitch* Tracey- *glitching* is- *glitch* afraid of- *glitch* spiders and Gilbert- *glitch* is afraid of being alone! *glitching*

Electracey: And Paige is scared of the dark and Tony is scared of heights! *stomping on the spiders and trying to get away from them*

Lily: but.. What about me?

Colin: Lily- *glitching* your the- *glitch* on-only *glitch* one- *glitch* That’s doesn’t- *glitch* have a fear- *glitch*

Lily: wait... So.. I don’t have a fear!

Electracey: Correct!

Colin: find a way to get us out of this nightmare! *glitching*

Lily: Oh god. Okay I need to find a way to- *notices a red blood coloured gem* wait.. *goes to it* hmm..

Lily took a close look at it and saw a note.

This stone is cursed and needs to be destroyed.
If you don’t know who I am, I’m Hannah,
And I used to be the owner of this mansion.
And this stone has been making our fears come true.
And no matter what we do, we couldn't destroy it.
But the only way to destroy the stone is you need to have
No fear. So if you don't have any fears...
Please destroy it.

Lily: I need to destroy this thing...

Lily found a hammer, so she took a chance and grabbed the hammer and smashed the stone to pieces.

Lily: it’s destroyed!

The water disappeared, and the spiders are gone, Paige can now see, Tony wasn’t on the tall mountain, and Gilbert finally can see everyone.

Paige: Light! Finally!

Colin: *stops glitching* finally..

Tony: My heart nearly stopped... Again..

Electracey: *falls* Whoa- phew..

Gilbert: Guys! There you are! What happened?

Lily: it seemed like the stone was the one that was making our fears come true..

Gilbert: that’s what happened?

Colin: Mhm..

Electracey: An exit!

Colin: finally!

They finally got out of the living nightmare and it’s now night.

Paige: Already night? How long have we been there?

Colin: about 3-9 hours.

Electracey: geez.

Tony: at least were out..

Lily: Yep..

Gilbert: speaking of which.. What all of your fears? I was afraid of being alone.

Colin: Water.

Tony: heights.

Paige: The dark.

Electracey: Spiders..

Lily: don’t have one!

Gilbert: Wow, your really brave Lily.

Lily: Thanks to Colin!

Colin: Yeah- *realises the mansion is gone* wait.. Where is the mansion?

Tony: Wait- it disappeared?

Gilbert: that’s strange..

Colin: yeah..

Tony: at least the nightmare is over..

Colin: Yep...

*Bush noises*

Lily: what now?

*Shrignold comes out*

Shrignold: There you guys are!

Colin: Shrig! Where are the others?

Shrignold: still looking for you guys.. *notices Gilbert and Lily* huh, who are they?

Colin: oh, there my siblings!

Lily: Hi! I’m Lily!

Gilbert: and I’m Gilbert!

Shrignold: Oh, cool! Nice to meet you guys! I’m Shrignold, you can call me Shrig for short.

*The others come out of the Bush*

Steve: There you are- *notices Gilbert and Lily* who are they?

Tony: Introductions later. Let’s all just go home.

Colin: Yep..

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