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Electracey: *sees window open* Oh.. No...

Electracey: I need to tell everyone about this.

Larry: *runs upstairs*

Electracey: Larry!

Larry: Tracey. Colin-

Electracey: Got kidnapped. I know.

Larry: Wait- how did you know? Are you the kidnapper?

Electracey: what? No. Why would I kidnapped my own brother?

Larry: oh. Right...

Tony: *comes out* What in the world are you all doing? It’s the middle of the night.

Shrignold: *Flies through the window* GUYSSSS!!!

Electracey: Shrignold!

Paige: *comes out holding Sky* Guys! Your going to wake Sky up.

*Steve, Sadie, Felix and Billy goes upstairs*

Steve: what’s all the ruckus?

Electracey: Alright everyone! I’ll explain when we get downstairs.

-They all went downstairs and Electracey, Larry, and Shrignold explained-

Tony: Wait. Colin got kidnapped!?

Electracey: Mhm.

Electracey: Shrignold, you were outside. Who did you saw?

Shrignold: I couldn’t really see but.. All I saw was just some tentacles. And when I went there. I found this. *places a glowing flower*

Tony: A glowing flower?

Felix: Well, anything else?

Shrignold: That’s just it...

Electracey: Well that’s not going to help!

Shrignold: Well I did find my some footsteps...

Electracey: Where?

Shrignold: I’ll show you.

*They all went outside and Shrignold shows them the footsteps*

Shrignold: there.

Electracey: Alright, we should follow the footsteps.

-Meanwhile with Colin-

Colin: *trapped in a human container thingy idk what it’s called* Great. Where am I?

Unknown gal: He looks different.

Unknown guy: Maybe his a different human.

Colin: I’m actually not a human.

Unknown guy: *gasp* so he isn’t a human..

Unknown gal: Are you one of us?

Colin: What? No. I’m a robot. *in mind* With human organs though..

Unknown guy: A road bot?

Colin: No, a robot.

Unknown gal: a row..Road.

Colin: *sigh* What do you even want?

Unknown guy: we are looking for our daughter.

Colin: And out of everyone, you choose me!?

Unknown gal: Well... You seem different.

Colin: Of course I do! It’s because I’m a robot!

Unknown guy: A road- rod.. Ro-ro..

Colin: its not that hard to pronounce it.

Unknown gal: whatever not human being. We just want you to help us our daughter.

Colin: At least let me go?

Unknown guy: And escape?


Unknown guy: just tell us the location.

Colin: *sigh* fine. What does she look like?

Unknown guy: She looks like this. *shows a picture of Sky*

Colin: wait a minute...

-With the others-

*After they follow the footsteps they got lead to an UFO*

Electracey: Wait- UFOS EXISTS!?

Billy: Well that’s a new discovery.

*Sky seems happy and surprised*

Paige: What is it Sky?

*Sky points to the ufo*

Shrignold: Hmm.. Maybe Sky is curious..

Electracey: Wait a minute... *realises*

Electracey: AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!

Paige: What is its Tracey!? What happened!?

Electracey: *shaking and scared*

Shrignold: Whoa. What happened?

Electracey: G-guys... Y-you know t-that aliens l-live in U-UFOs r-right?

Larry: Uh, yeah?

Shrignold: Mhm.

Tony: yeah?

Steve: That’s what they say.

Felix: Mhm..

Sadie: yeah..

Billy: yep..

Electracey: W-well... *points to Sky*

Paige: Wait.. Are you.. *realises*

Paige: AAAAAHHHH!!!!

Shrignold: Oh god- what happened now?

Paige: Y-your telling m-me t-t-that Sky I-is an a-alien?

Electracey: Y-yeah..

Shrignold: Wait- *realises* AAAAAAHHHH!!!! *collapse*

Larry: Wait so..

Tony: We have been raising an alien?

Steve: of course! How did we not even noticed?

Felix: That’s probably why she has razor sharp teeth.

Sadie: Well, that’s just scary..

Billy: Mhm..

Tony: Well, let’s just bust in there and return Sky and leave.

Paige: Oh.. Okay..

-Inside the UFO-

Colin: Wait a minute... Isn’t that Sky?

Unknown gal: Yes. I suppose you know my daughters name.

Colin: Oh, no. Paige named it.

Unknown gal: Pay.. Pie.

*both of them struggling to pronounce it*

Colin: do you guys even know how to pronounce?

Unknown gal: no.

Unknown guy: absolutely not.

Colin: *sigh* of course.


Unknown guy: An intruder! Check the cameras!

*They all checked the cameras*

-With the others-

Sadie: Cool, an alarm.

Tony: *covering ears* Knew that was going to happen..

*weapons point at them*

Billy: Cool. Weapons.


Paige: Great..

Speaker: Wait... Isn’t that... SKY!?

Paige: wait you know her!?

-With Colin-

Colin: Wait- can I talk to them?

Unknown guy: Fine.. *releases Colin* but don’t even think about escaping.

*Colin goes to the mic and speaks*

Colin: Hey guys? Can you hear me?

-With the others-

Tony: Wait.... Colin!?

Colin on the speaker: Hey guys. I think these guys are Sky’s parents.

Electracey: Wait... So..

Colin: Mhm.

Paige: Well, we can return Sky back.

Unknown guy: Thank you very much! We were so worried about her! And thanks for taking such good care of her.

Paige: No problem!

Unknown gal: Just... Place her there. On the floor

Paige: Just here?

Unknown guy: yep.

Paige: *places Sky on the floor*

Unknown gal: okay, now you may leave.

Tony: Wait, what about-

Unknown gal: don’t worry! We will bring your friend back!

Tony: Okay..?

*they all left the UFO*

Paige: now what?

Tony: We just wait I guess..

*Colin got off the UFO as the UFO leaves*

Electracey: There you are! *runs and hugs Colin*

Electracey: you nearly gave me a panic attack.

Colin: heh.. Yep.

Paige: you think we will be able to see Sky again?

Tony: depends..

The end. :> my brain legit died.

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