Just a regular Day

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Tony: alright, time to wake those lazy people up.

Tony: *goes to Paige’s room* Oi Paige wake up

Paige: *yawn* Alright, Alright I’m awake.

Tony: *goes outside and climbs tree*

Shrignold: *sleeping on a tree branch*

Tony: Ahem...

Tony: Meh meh meh meh meh MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH MEH-

Shrignold: *smack* ALRIGHT IM AWAKE! JEEZ

Tony: Ow- jesus.. *goes back inside and goes to Colin’s room*

Tony: Co-

Electracey: *smack* He won’t wake up until his finished charging

Tony: Ow... Jesus... Your awake early

Electracey: Mhm..

Tony: *Goes to Larry’s room*

Tony: *grabs pillow and hits it on Larry’s face*


Larry: *still asleep*

Tony: *sigh* such a deep sleeper.. *grabs a bottle of alcohol and pops the cap off*

Larry: I’M AWAKE-

Tony: ...

Larry: oh.. Sup Tones *grabs the alcohol Tony was holding and drinks it*

Tony: Don’t get drunk again.. *Goes downstairs*

Larry: I won’t!

-At the Kitchen-

Sadie: Hey Billy. Wanna do a sibling telepathy test?

Billy: Sure!

Sadie: alright when I count to three we must say the same thing at the same time okay?

Billy: Okay!

Sadie: okay, One

Sadie: Two

Sadie: Three!

Billy and Sadie: TOMATO!

Sadie: ...

Billy: ...



Steve: they sure have alot of energy..

Felix: Hehe.. Yep-

Tony: *breaks the door* WAKE UP!


Tony: oh...

Felix: Geez..

-With Colin-

Colin: *Charging complete*

Colin: *wakes up and yawns* Another new morning..

Colin: *gets up and goes downstairs

-At downstairs-

Billy: Let’s do it again!

Sadie: Alright, in three.

Sadie: two

Sadie: One

Billy and Sadie: PINEAPPLE!

Sadie: ...

Billy: ...



Colin: What are they doing?

Electracey: doing some weird thing called “Sibling telepathy test”

Colin: Okay...? That’s kinda weird..

Electracey: Mhm..

-time skip cuz idk what to do-

Colin: Uh, guys? Why is there a guy holding a flamethrower?

*Tony, Paige and Steve went to see what the heck Colin was talking about*

Paige: Cool

*the guy starts to burn the trees*

Tony: what in the world is going on?

Steve: should we like call the police or-

*The police arrived*

Steve: Nevermind.

*They watch the police arrest the guy*

Colin: well.. That was new..

*Steve scratched his head and put a hand on Colin’s shoulder not knowing he touched him*

Colin: *jumps back* DON’T TOUCH MEEEEE

Steve: What the-

Tony: Woah! Colin come down!

Colin: HISSS

Tony: Steve, leave the room.

Steve: okay? *leaves the room*

Tony: calm down Colin, I’m here with you..

-at the kitchen-

Felix: what happened there?

Steve: I just put a hand on Colin’s shoulder and he acted like I stabbed him

Electracey: Yikes...

Shrignold: what else happened?

Steve: eh.. Well some guy with a flamethrower started burning trees and the police arrived and arrested the guy.

Electracey: well that’s new..

Shrignold: well what about Colin?

Steve: Tony is comforting him now

Shrignold: Alright.. Wait- *gasp*

Electracey: what?

Shrignold: nothing-

-Time skipped-

Shrignold: TONY!

Tony: what?

Shrignold: Do you have a special one?~

Tony: Uhh... No?

Shrignold: I can help you!

Tony: but i-

Shrignold: Let’s go! *grabs Tony*

Tony: Help-

Shrignold: alright which do you prefer?

Tony: what-

Shrignold: W H A T S Y O U R T Y P E?

Tony: ...

Shrignold: :>

Tony: ...

Shrignold: ...


Tony: Why?

Shrignold: I’m helping you to find your special one.

Tony: I don’t want a special one-

Shrignold: COME ON! JUST TELL ME *shakes Tony*


Shrignold: JUST. TELL. ME-

Colin: Uh- what’s happening here?

Shrignold: COLIN! Do you have a special one-

Tony: *grabs Shrignold* just ignore him *runs upstairs*

Colin: huh?

-With Tony and Shrignold-

Tony: *sigh* what’s happening with you?

Shrignold: I’m helping you find your special one.

Tony: I already said I don’t ne-

Shrignold: Tony, do you like Colin?

Tony: *turns white*

Shrignold: cause you two get along well..

Tony: I swear to god Shrignold if you do anything stupid you will have a punishment.

Shrignold: Uh-

-They both went down stairs-

Colin: So.. Uh... What happened there?

Tony: don’t ask...

Paige: Hey guys! Who wants to play truth or dare?

Electracey: Me.

Shrignold: I’ll join!

Tony: have nothing better to do anyways so I guess I’ll join.

Paige: alright! How about you Colin?

Colin: I’ll join I guess..

Paige: alrighty! Let’s go upstairs first.

-They all went upstairs-

Paige: Okay, uh.. Shrignold. Truth or dare?

Shrignold: dare.

Paige: I dare you to fly upside down.

Shrignold: alright- *Flies upside down* oh god I’m getting dizzy- uh.. Tracey! Truth or dare?

Electracey: Truth.

Shrignold: who’s your crush?

Electracey: uh.. Paige, truth or dare?

Paige: wait you have a crush on me?

Electracey: HUH!? NO- *gay panik*

Paige: hah.. I’m just kidding an anyways. Dare.

Electracey: I dare you to wear green clothes.

Paige: ...

Paige: why we still here? Just to suffer.

Tony: pfft-

Paige: shut up Tony. *grabs a green shirt and Wears it*

Paige: *sigh* I hate this game..

Paige: anyways Colin. Truth or dare?

Colin: Uh... Truth

Paige: What’s something you like?

Colin: Um... Roses.

Paige: Okay, nice.

Colin: anyways. Tony, truth or dare?

Tony: dare.

Colin: I dare you to-

Shrignold: kiss someone

Tony: ...

Colin: Uh-

Tony: be right back *stands up and grabs Shrignold*

Shrignold: Oh god- HELP!

-5 minutes later-

Colin: wonder what there doing..

Tony: I’m back

Paige: oh hey! Where’s Shrig?

Tony: Well...

Shrignold: Uh help? *Taped to the wall*

Colin: I’m not even gonna ask..

Tony: thank you.

-Time skipped-

Steve: where’s Shrignold?

Tony: at the wall

Shrignold: uhh.. Can someone please get me down? I need to pee real bad

Larry: I got this. I just need to find the scissors

Paige: Larry, how many times have I told you.. Don’t use the scissors while your drunk. You wanna repeat wha happened last time?

Larry: it was kinda funny..

Paige: No, it wasn’t.

Billy: The heck is wrong with this house?

Tony: don’t worry about them, I’m the one using the brains

Colin: well its my turn to use it so give me.

Tony: No.

Colin: GIVE IT!


*Tony and Colin start to fight*

Billy: ...

Billy: can I get a waffle?

*Tony and Colin still fighting*

Billy: can I PLEASE get waffle?

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