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ANU's pov

" I'm late I'm late I'm late !! " I chanted as I ran inside the college campus speeding my way to the class when I noticed a crowd near basketball court, some were discussing, some were hooting, what the hell is going on?!

"Why there's so much rush over there" my curiosity made me go past everyone to see the source "here you go" I said rolling my eyes... So all that fuss for this idiot in front of me who's now standing inside a basketball court making his way to the goal and all the other opponents running behind him to stop him.... Others wait in anticipation onto who'll goal whereas I know.... "3....2....1.... go" I whisper and there goes the ball in the basket and here flies the girls in air dreaming about him.

And the surrounding echoes with voices of girls cheering him on! Come on idiots calm down, have some mercy on my ears.

And Now his eyes fall on me and he stops on his way and keeps staring at me... I hate the way he looks at me every time, it makes me feel weird, I don't know what this feeling is but I do know I don't want to feel that for him, so wake up Ananya.... avert your eyes and I do as my mind commanded. Very good Ananya!

And the match resumes and he again goaled but this time with a little extra spins and jumping completely showing off.... Jerk!

" OMG he's the best!! So smart so handsome!" said the girl on the left completely drooling over him.

"omg omg his muscles....." comes the girl on the right

As he throws his towel on the ground after wiping off his sweat and girls rushes towards it picking it up and basically fighting for it! Eww are you for real? yuck!

"he really is the best!! No one can beat him!" said a dreamy voice full of admiration behind my back! and here I'm standing in disbelief? No one can beat him? Excuse me?! Am I invisible?!

"what's so special about him? I can beat him pretty easily" I said to the girls, because I had enough of them fangirling and drooling over that fool who's not worth it

Before they could reply an icy voice came "oh really? Then why don't we have a duel?"

Oh so now eavesdropping are we? huh! and what's that a Duel he's asking for? A smile made a way to my face! I like a good challenge and If it's coming from him then no way in hell I'm gonna turn it down "Sur...." Sure was which I was gonna reply when I was cut out by the pathetic girls beside me "omg omg he spoke ,he said something, oh wow what a crispy voice he have" 

Murder! the only thing came in my mind! I'll murder this girls now. So Irritating!

"I don't understand, how a girl likes to play basket ball?" comes a taunting voice of a girl beside looking at me with disgust, I've heard of the phrase 'girls bring girls down' , but now I've seen it.

"exactly and that too in this scorching heat" added her friend opening the umbrella over their head

"Omg I would never, what if I get tanned!" comes another voice agreeing over the idiots

"because I'm not a donkey like you guyz who have only 1 thing in their mind and that is how to get yourself beautiful and miss out the important thrills in life due to it" I said sarcasm dropping like a bomb over their heads.

" omg did she just called us donkey?!" said a disbelieving voice.

"now if I don't call a donkey ,by their origin than what should I call you? or maybe lizard suits you guyz the most? what say?"

Great I managed to piss them off the plastic girls of the college... they don't know how much I adore seeing their fuming insulted face... but wait a minute is Ice smiling?! Omg I just saw his lips twitched it was a smile wasn't it and within a minute he turned into his daily stone look!

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