Chapter 8 Go home or stay

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Me and the player or should I say gamer. To the couch. I sat down as she woke up. She flinched and tried to run away. Papyrus pulled her back to her spot and sat her down.

" Give me my body back." I said.

" I refuse. I want to live in Undertale or in this case underswap. Please, my life has broken apart. All my fish had died of old age. And my business has decided to crash. Because of covid. We have a bad virus going around my world. Please, I beg you." Said the human.

" What's your name?." I said.

" What." Said the human.

" What is your name?." I asked.

" It's Kiara." Said kiara.

" Well kiara. It's my fault that you know about us. But I've come to like being a ghost. But I ask one thing of you." I said.

" Ok." She said,

" I'm going to take you to meet someone that I know. She's named linda. And she can help you. But to get there we have to get there by a door by the ruins. I know the way. I'll take you there. But one second." I said.

" Sans..papyrus. be safe alright." I said.

" I don't want you to leave." Said blue hugging me.

" Don't worry sans. I'll be back after I help her alright. And I always keep my promise. But if you miss me that much. Here." I said pulling a copy of my phone. Ink showed me this trick.

" It's a magic trick." I said holding mine and making it multiply into one more phone for papyrus.

" Wowee." Said blue. Looking at the phone that I gave him, stars in his eyes.

" Thanks pal." Said papyrus taking the phone I was handing him.

" Welcome. Oh just in case here. I multiplied my phone one more time and gave it to kiara. " I said. She took it and said thankyou.

" If you miss me, give me a ring alright. I will answer. I'll call in a little bit if. You guys don't call. I said putting my arm over the kiara. Teleporting her In Front of the door landing on the ground. Next to a sleeping wolf. With a blue jacket on and blue jeans. With checkered chucks. She had her arms crossed as she snored.

" Linda!." I said. She jumped up. And looked directly at me, who was floating next to kiara.
She picked up a snow ball and threw it at me. It fased through me. And fell to the ground behind me.

" So glad I have ghost powers. Hello to you to linda." I said, crossing my arms, taking my hand off Kiara's shoulder.

" That's what you get for scaring the crap out of me trixie. What is it this time." She said getting up and dusting her self off. And looked at me she put her one hand on her side.

" Linda, can you help my friend out here?" I said, pushing Kiara forward to her. She stopped herself in Front of linda. When I pushed her.

" Why dus she have a red's jacket? And why are you a ghost." Said linda.

" Straight to the point aren't you. She has my body that she's borrowing until she feels like she needs to go back home. And she makes these. For well she used to make it for a living, sorry." She looked at me with eyes that were holding back tears. I Shrugged apologized again. And waited for linda's answer.

" She can stay but you will have to talk to ink about your ghost situation going on." She said, crossing her arms.

" Deal." I said, shaking her hand. Also I have the power to touch things. If I want to. And face through them if I wanted to. Just basic ghost powers.

" Sadly I can't come with since my shift just started." said linda.

" It's fine, I know the way." I said running away holding onto. Kiara's hand and pulled her with me as I ran. Got to snowed-in with Kiara pulling her hand out of mine to catch her breath.

" You've got to run more." I said.

" I can't run. I'm more of an aquabatic." She said.

" Oh." I said. Suddenly red came up to us. Obviously eyeing her jacket.

" Did you steal my jacket?." Said red. She blushed.

" Calm down red she made that." I said.

" Who are you again?." Said red.

" Red. That's not funny." I said.

" Tch. Man can't take a joke." Said red.

" That wasn't a joke, that was just plain rude." I said. Suddenly Kiara started to laugh. Which caught me and red off guard.

" See, I'm funny." Said red, smiling.

" I never said you werent." I said, crossing my arms.

" Anyways red she's new here can you show her around. She's going to be staying until her situation changes. I actually have to talk to ink about this." I said pointing to myself.

" Not that ink." i said pointing at inks house.

" other ink." I opened a portal and said.

" Thanks bye!." I said walking into the portal before red could speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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