Chapter 1 Run

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Are story takes place with a mother and a baby. Who was running from a mob of human's that had ill intent to hurt the mother. They already hurt the father so badly. The cry's of the child were making so the mother wouldn't be able to get away from the mob of human's. The mother hushed the child as she ran, she was crying for the loss of her husband and her home. Now you might ask why they were chasing her. Well she fell in love with a demon. And well the child is half demon and half human. The skin of the child was red. And she already had horns piercing out of her head. Her tail wiggled as she was in her little burrito blanket. Since the tail was out of the burrito it was a little easier for the tail to move. Wings covered the baby demon in her little blanket. The baby's tears where red magic.

The mother hushed the baby once more when she found a hiding place in a cave she placed the baby on a leaf. And the baby stopped crying. And looked up at the mother with yellow eyes. The mother realized that the tree was a moving tree so she can make the tree move the branch down gently while she distracts the people to go away from the cave. So that's what she did. She gently pushed the leaf backwards. And the leaf moved backwards and down holding the baby who was sleeping. The mother with one tear came from her eye as she distracted the human's away from the cave. You heard a distant scream and dust flew in the air. I'm telling you right now that human's dust when they die and monsters bleed.and I'm trying not to be graphic. Anyways as soon as the leaf set the baby on a bed of flowers. The leaf went back up to the surface. The baby began to cry again, moving its little burrito. Someone heard that and came towards it. Oh dear, the voice said. The person was wearing all black and had flames on his head. He was speaking some kind of language that I couldn't understand but I looked it up. It's called wingdings. The child stopped crying and looked at the person. When he picked the child up. He had, fire fingers as he pointed at the child. The child got its arm loose and held onto his finger. She had three fingers. And a strong grip. And started to laugh. As the baby caught on fire and didn't seem to mind it. The flame person was shocked at first. But then I realized the baby was fine. The blanket must have been fireproof. The baby giggled. The flame person decided to keep the child. No one was in the ruins anyways. The flame person owned a bar that was named grillbys. Also his name is grillby. It was in, snowed-in. There was a skeleton that always stayed there. His name was sans. And always made jokes. And he was mostly drunk sometimes.The kid was named Trixie. Trixie and Papyrus where actually the same age. they grew up and they became friends. And Trixie always was working on puzzles that papyrus made. Thinking of new puzzles to create. Papyrus was Also talking about becoming a royal guardsman. He always posed when he made that statement. Also papyrus was taller than me and sans was too. I'm full grown. And i'm 5/ foot 4

" What if a human really does come ,papyrus?. If it where me I would be more scared. Of them." I said. One time while me, papyrus and sans where talking to each other.

" Worry not Trixie, the great papyrus will stop them and make sure they are kind." Said papyrus. I looked at sans. He shrugged and looked back at the papyrus. And said he could do anything if he puts his mind to it.

" I'm going to go home." I said walking. Back to grillbys. I tapped the snow off my hooves when I came in and took my sweater off. Showing my black shorts and wight shirt. Because my jacket was so big. I said hi to everyone when i came in and they said hi back. I went behind the bar and said hi dad.

" What's wrong?" Said dad.

" What... how did you,!" I said.

" Trixie, I'm your father. Now is This something you need to discuss when the bars, closed or open." Said dad. Placing the towel on the bar. And puts the cup back where it was supposed to go.

" It's about a human that's coming here. Do we have to take their soul? Dad." I said. Dad took me in the back and said.

" Trixie, we talked about this. You know we need that to leave. This. prison." Said dad.

" But dad, what if they're nice? I can see if they are mean and hurt everyone but you don't know." I said. Dad patted my head in the middle of my head.

" You're too good for this world now let's get back. Are you hungry?." Said dad on q my stomach growled. I looked down at it and back at him.

" I'll get you a burger. Go sit next to sans." Said dad gently pushed my back out of the back room. I saw Sans sleeping holding his ketchup close. I walked over to him. And saw he pulled something out of the cushion of the seat. I crawled up to the seat and sat down. I put my elbows on the counter.

" So sans I saw that you where holding back something while talking to papyrus." Everything froze. I looked at him and he was looking forward now with his eyes black. His head still on his arms.

" So there's a human in the ruins there." Sans flinched.

" So there is. How long until they make it here." I said.

" Tomorrow." Said sans. I chuckled,

" You are more brave than I am. If it where me. I wouldn't let them anywhere near papyrus. And don't give me that look. I know you have a lot on your plate so I'm not going to get in the way." I said. Still looking forward.

" I know that you want everyone to stay safe and be safe. But you're not a century, so let me do my job and you continue to be a kid alright." Said sans. messing up my hair.

" K." I said taking his hand away from my head. The time went back to normal and dad gave me a plate of hamburger. I patted down my hair making it look ok. That's when sans jumped off his set. And said,

" Papyrus was going to fix his puzzle if you wanted to come with me. I shoveled my food down. Said thank you as I swallowed it and raced outside grabbing my coat. Sans following behind me. I saw papyrus and saw he was working on his ice puzzle. I put my coat on. I walked over to the papyrus and saw he was having trouble with the button that was stuck in the ice. I have fire powers so I heated up the button melting the ice around it. Making it easy to move. It popped up once the ice was gone. The trap reset after the button popped up. Suddenly a smell made me back up one step. They where behind me. Papyrus looked directly behind me and said.

" You've arrived human." Fear made me turn around to see they had a stick in hand. and looked a little beat up. This is what where fearing." I thought, looking at the kid. This was a child not an adult. I stood out of the trap. And next to papyrus. Sans was nowhere to be seen. I could have sworn he was right next to papyrus. The kid solved the puzzle with ese. The next puzzle will be challenging. He brings me into a huddle.

" Go get your puzzle Ready." Said papyrus. Pointing ahead. I looked behind me and looked at the human. They looked confused.

" Trixie go," said papyrus pushing me a little bit on my back.

" Alright." I said moving my wings out from the back of me. As I made them appear. And I flew off. I can make them disappear or reappear. There there but invisible. I made it into my puzzle. It was a maze puzzle made out of snow. I saw papyrus coming to me. I went over to him and picked him up and hovered over the maze. I placed him down gently and I landed over next to him making my wings disappear. Not even 5 seconds later the human comes up to me. I backed up one step. With a growl. Showing my sharp teeth.The human backed up with fear.

" Trixie, be nice to the human." Said papyrus. I closed my left eye, copying sans.

" Sorry papyrus. I guess they got under my skin." I said laughing.

" Trixie no!." Said papyrus walking away. I looked back at the human. And shrugged. And made my wings appear. And I started to fly away

" I hope Sans knows what he's doing. I said when I was far enough away. I landed at my home and opened the door and made my wings disappear. And stomped my hooves on the door mat. I looked to see dad was passed out on the couch. Watching his favorite show. Mettaton. I turned off the tv. And grabbed the couch blanket and placed it over him. He continues to snore. I turned off all the lights. and went to my room and fell asleep as soon as I got under the covers.

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