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Isabella walked into the great hall. She knew how she had been second of a lot of time with Remus and how things hadn't been easy but she knew how he was helping her.

He was helping her with all that was going on and Isabella knew how it wasn't easy but she was glad that he was there. Isabella knew how she felt as if she was more in control of the curse and she felt more powerful

Isabella walked into the great hall and smiled as she saw Lyra "hey how are you doing" Lyra asked as Isabella looked to her sister and smiled

"I'm okay I am in a good place. I know that things haven't been easy. I just don't want what our mother did to me get to me and I am getting through it all" Isabella said

"I know. I spoke to Remus and he is there for you and he cares for you and he is a great wizard" he said as she looked to her and smiled.

Lyra knew all that her sister had been and she knew how it wasn't easy. "You don't need to worry. Look I am trying to work with dad, he think that there is a way to fight your curse and I think that our mother wasn't exactly smart and that there will be a way to crack it all" Lyra said

"Yeah I don't want to get my hopes up. I mean she was a dark wizard dad had now idea what she was capable of and she punished me to get to dad. I just don't want to get my hopes up to any of it" she said

Lyra looked to her sister and smiled. She knew that she did want to help her through it all

Isabella walked into Remus classroom and smiled as he looked to her "hey Isabella how are you doing" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay I just wanted to come and see you and thank you. I know that your trying to help me. I know how my father asked you. You don't know how much it means to me" she said as Remus stood up and walked over to her and smiled

He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"None of it is easy I know but you are a strong witch and you can fight this and I am not doing this because your Sirius daughter. I am doing this because I care for you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

The two of them held a look for a moment. Isabella couldn't help but feel a connection towards him as she realised how close that they were

Isabella smiled as she got to hogsmeade as she saw her dad. "Hi dad" she said as she saw Sirius. He pulled her into a hug and smiled

"How are you darling" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay. I guess. Things are just hard you know sand I am trying to deal with it all but it is not easy" she said as he smiled

He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head and smiled "I know that things are hard but it will be okay. I spoke to Remus and he said your getting control of all of this and it will all be okay" Sirius said

Isabella looked to him and smiled. She hoped that he was right and that they could make it work but little did she knew how everything was going to change between her and Remus lupin

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