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Isabella walked into the kitchen as she saw Sirius and smiled. She knew that she was heading back to Hogwarts in a few days and she had to prepare for it

"Are you okay princess?" He asked as she nodded

"I'm okay I am just thinking over going back to school and everything" she said as he looked to her and smiled

He walked over to his daughter and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"I know it won't be easy and I know what your going through but Remus is going with you and he will be your professor and it will be okay" he said as she smiled

"I just hate this. I hate how my mother cursed me and I hate how she messed with you" Isabella said as Sirius looked to her and smiled

"I know. I know how hard it is but we will find a way to do this. We will find a way to get rid of this curse and your my daughter and your all that matters to me and I will do all I down to look after you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Isabella rested her head into his chest as he rested a hand in her hair as he held her close. Sirius knew how his daughter meant everything to him and he knew how he'd do all that he could so that he could protect her

But Sirius knew just how none of it was going to be easy

Isabella sat in the lounge as Remus walked in and looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" He asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I have been better" she said as he nodded

"I know what happened to you and I know that the older your getting the harder it is. But I'm here and we will have to do a lot and enter your mind so that we can fight this curse. Are you ready?" He asked as she stood up and sighed

She looked to him and nodded as he pointed his beans at her as she tried to resist him and groaned. She knew that it was hard and how she had to stop him from entering her mind

Isabella groaned as she looked to him as he stopped and smiled "that was good. But it will be hard work" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Isabella sat in the kitchen and looked to see molly as she walked in and smiled

"Are you okay Isabella love?" Molly asked as Isabella looked to the one who she admired so much and the one who had always been there for her

"I'm fine molly. You don't need to worry over me" Isabella said as molly looked to the young girl and nodded

Molly knew how she had been the one to raise her when Sirius was in jail and all she wanted was to break the curse and it wasn't going to be easy

Little did Isabella know how she was going to find herself involved with Remus lupin in a way that she wouldn't realise and how nothing would be the same again

Skinny love  ^R.Lupin^जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें