Chapter 2

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Time seemed to stop, the world boiled down to those two people who confronted each other after so many years without any contact. Pikachu lowered his ears, as much as he liked Serena, he couldn't stay by her side, Pikapi has his reasons, and as his first Pokémon, he would stay by her side until the end.

But that didn't change the fact that it was painful to see this scene before her eyes.

Serena was shocked by Ash's words. What happened to make him be so rude to her? The Ash she met is a sweet and pure-hearted boy, even if he was impulsive and naive, he was still an admirable person.

But the person standing before her is someone completely different, the only similarities being her name and the Pikachu on her shoulder.

Ash narrowed his eyes, of all the things that could happen, he didn't expect to have to face one of these fools on his first day at this school. "Miss Yvone, forgive me for the initial reaction, this is not befitting someone in my position. How can I help you?" He didn't speak in a way that showed revulsion, the phrase came out in such a natural tone, and it hurt Serena even more.

"I don't understand! Why are you acting this way with me?! You disappeared for over 5 years and didn't even bother to report back! How do you think I felt? All your friends did their best to try to find you, and when we couldn't find you, we believed you were dead!" Serena started to cry and Ash looked on impassively. He couldn't bring himself to feel guilt for what was happening before him, he had no right to have those kind of feelings, not after everything he had faced in the last few years of his life.

Ash crossed his arms, showing no emotion at the girl's collapse before him. Some people who passed by the place observed with curiosity that unusual scene. The infamous Serena Yvone crying over the boy who came back from the dead, this was sure to become the main news at school for the next few days.

"Miss Yvone, I'm taking advantage of the time granted to me to get to know the facilities of this educational institution better, so, if you don't have a real reason to request my attention, I ask that you leave me free to continue what I was doing previously. " Serena flinched at the look she received, it didn't contain hate, what was there was something far worse.

It was apathy.

Ash turned and started to leave the room, but Serena wouldn't let that happen, if Ash walked away one more time, something inside her told her it would be permanent.

"Ash Ketchum, I challenge you to battle!" Everyone who was watching that scene was even more surprised, a Pokémon battle on the first day at this school? That would certainly be interesting. Ash stopped in his tracks and glared at the girl before him, who gave him her best determined look.

"Challenge accepted." No further words were needed. Both walked to their respective sides of the battlefield and Ash put a hand to his chest.

"I give you the honor of the first move." Serena blinked twice and began to feel embarrassed as she saw that the people who had gathered around the arena began to have the wrong idea of ​​what was really going on.

While the battle was about to start, the news had already spread around the school, and some people looking for the whereabouts of the mysterious trainer immediately headed to the battle arena. May darted through the crowd practically dragging Drew who tried futilely to calm his girlfriend, Misty started to push her way through the crowd and Dawn blushed with embarrassment watching her friend live up to her reputation as a woman with a volatile temper, and others were already in the place where the battle would take place, with Paul who looked with total intensity at the arena, and Gary who was beside the purple haired man looking at Ash's face as if he had just seen a ghost.

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