Beach episode?

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As the summer days grew hotter, Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, and Duolingo decided to take a much-needed vacation to the beach. They packed their bags, loaded up the car, and headed out on the open road, eager for a few days of relaxation and fun in the sun.

As they arrived at the beach, they immediately hit the waves, jumping and splashing in the cool, refreshing water. Duolingo, still ever eager to learn, practiced its English phrases with Chuuya, while Dazai and Fyodor discussed the nuances of the Russian language.

As the day drew to a close, they retreated to their rented beach house, exhausted but happy from a day of sun, sand, and surf. Over dinner, they laughed and joked, savoring the simple pleasures of good food, good company, and good conversation.

As the days went on, their bond grew stronger. They played games on the beach, cooked meals together, and even tried their hand at surfing. And each night, they gathered on the porch to watch the sunset, talking and sharing stories until the stars twinkled in the sky.

On the last day of their trip, as they packed their bags and prepared to head home, they knew that they had created memories that would last a lifetime. As they hugged goodbye, they promised to keep in touch and to continue learning and growing together.

As they drove home, tired but content, Dazai leaned back in his seat, a smile on his face. He knew that he had found true friendship in the most unexpected of places - through his love of language, and the strange and wonderful connections it had brought into his life.

Dazai X Duolingo (we're serious about this)Where stories live. Discover now