One: No guys allowed

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"Spit it out.."

"Or die."

"Ha! There's no way, I'm telling.." I pulled the trigger and a loud gunshot reverberated in the forest. Hearing the birds flap their wings to get away, I let out an exasperated sigh before tugging my gun back into its holster.

I just shot a person right on the forehead. I'm a killer, or who these bad guys know as Quietus, which means death. And I'm killing for a reason.

I'm just a human, but my father once told me that there was more to me than to what I actually know about myself. That's what I want to know as I continue on my journey to kill the bad guy/s who killed my mom.

I walked out of the forest and saw blue and pink tints on the sky above. The sun was about to set and it looked so beautiful, as it hides itself in the west. Just like me, who hides my true self from the world, only that it happens during sunrise and not sunset.

I decided to drive my way out of the dark forest in my motorbike. Wanting to go for a swim, I headed straight west ahead. Swimming makes me wash my worries away. It makes me forget about my problems. I feel calm when I'm in or on water, preferrably, the sea.

I parked my motorbike a bit farther away from sea, hiding it from plain sight. Jogging towards the shore, I did not hesitate to pull my clothes off leaving me in my undergarments. I felt the cold wind rush against my skin almost like being electrocuted, causing me to shiver.

She's dead. Nothing's going to change that.

The guy's words doesn't sting anymore, coz' I've accepted that already. But what I haven't accepted yet, is the fact that she died soaked in her own fucking blood and..

Stop! Forget about it. Just get to the sea.

Walking towards the sea, I felt the sand swallow my feet each time I take a step forward. It felt satisfying. I shuddered when I felt the warm sea water dance on and against my skin.

Letting my body adopt to the water's temperature for a moment, I slowly went underwater and swam a bit farther. I had learned to keep my eyes open when underwater, even though one couldn't see that much during nighttime. But I just led myself to swim around for a few more seconds, before swimming up feeling my lungs searching for the oxygen I had been depriving myself of while swimming underwater.

My mind had cleared and my worries had been washed away, but not long until..

"Ahhh!" an ear-piercing scream ricocheted around and it made my senses jump up. It didn't startle me for one bit, but instead, it confused me.

Someone else was here?

"Help!" I overheard a guy's voice that sounded like he's choking...more like drowning. Thinking I couldn't risk myself getting caught or even known, I took my chances as I swam around searching for the person. Until, I finally reached the portion of the sea where there were big rocks bulging out of the water.

There he was, floating on water looking unconscious. Not wanting to waste more time, I quickly swam towards him.

How could a guy with built physique (not like bouncers outside a bar) pass out like this?

He could've hit his head a little not too hard on those rocks. Or he must've slipped on something.

Grabbing his arm, I slightly shook it but he wasn't waking up. He doesn't even look that alive to me. I mean, I know a dead person when I see one. This one looks pale, although as to what more I can see is that, he's gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous, sort of... Um- but alive. I think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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