Chapter 21: It Hurts Bro

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Me and Dion was just was looking at each other and we were both waiting on the other to fest up and answer to the questions but he was being the persistent Dion I know so I decided I was going to be real about the situation. I forgot that I was only in boxers so I pulled my cover over me so it will be less distracting for him.

Dion: So mjay you going to tell me or what?

Me: Bey I aint know how you going to take this but yea me and him got back together bey, I know what you're going to say am dumb but I hope you won't stop being friends with me and get mad because I do like you and always will.

Dion: Naw nigga you aint dumb you just in love and I can't be mad at you and if I was mad it would be selfish of me to be. I all the way in Texas doing my own thing and I can't expect you to be here all alone. But you know what hurt?

Me: What hurts?

Dion: The fact that he got you so in love with him and that he can do so much wrong and claim that he love you so much but hurt you so bad and f***k the nigga that almost killed you and still win you back. It hurts me mjay that I am here never did hurt you and never will and I can't win you over to be in love with me. I been ready to give you my heart but I respected that yours belong to someone else and I have tried over and over again to move on but I just can't it's like something keep telling me don't give up Dion one day you and him will be. I still believe that one day me and you will be together on the real it might sound like I crazy but I just crazy about you.

Me: I don't know what to say to that

Dion: Lol you aint got to say anything mjay and I know you a good ass boyfriend so I know you want do the right thing but on the real I aint going to stop tell I be with you. I could be cool with Chris but know that you still going to be mine.

Me: same old Dion dread but I'm glad to see that you never change and I like that a lot don't let the state side and some stateside p***y or ass change you nigga.

Dion: Lmao naw bruh you know I still hook on yours you remember our trip to Miami?

Me: Yea nigga I won't ever forget about that, do you remember Christmas and that nice, tight present I gave you?

Dion: Nigga that still the best Christmas gift I ever got on the real. My mother call me today you know.

Me: Oh wow she did, how you feel about that

Dion: Lmao my aunt is my only mother bro so f***k my biological mother, when I get right she going to be right I can care less about my parents and brother. She claim she calling to reach out and see how I doing. But she still has to call in secrecy because my father still doesn't want have no affiliations with me because of that day when they caught me getting head.

Me: Bey your folks still aint get over that bey, your father need a f***king cut ass nigga, let Chris knock him out like he did his father today. The two of you kind of got something in common bruh, both of yawl fathers are absent but Chris father want to try step up to the plate now saying he a change man and want start over but Chris aint down for it ya see.

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