Chapter 8: The Next Hangout

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(A/N: double update!)

Sigma: Hey Katai, want to hang out again?

Katai: is that even a question? :)

Sigma: Haha fair enough. Anything specific you want to do this time?

Katai: not really and plus, I chose last time so I think you should have a turn

Sigma: Alrighty, there's this new restaurant that just opened up not too far from here. I've been wanting to try it so maybe we could do that?

Katai: sounds good!

Sigma: Great! When's a good time for you?

Katai: around 6:30 PM should work, how about you?

Sigma: Same here. I'll send you the address of the place and we could meet each other there, if that's cool with you

Katai: perfect

Sigma sent an attachment

Katai: got it, thanks!

Sigma: You're welcome. See you tonight

Katai: okie dokie! Bye for now

Sigma: Bye

Katai read through the messages and some feelings began to sink in. Had Sigma just asked him out? Had he asked Sigma out yesterday? Or was this all just friend-type stuff? Katai was confused and he didn't like being confused.

But he knew one thing for sure.

He needed to make sure to dress nicely for this potential date.

He headed to his closet and tried to find some nice clothes.

He hardly had any.

This was great.

Katai then did what made the most sense: call Kunikida.

Kunikida picked up his phone as he was tidying up his house. "Hello?"

"HELP!!!!" Katai begged.

Kunikida jumped and moved his phone away from his ear. "Jeez, Katai. Don't deafen me."


"It's fine. What's going on?"

"I need help finding some fancy clothes."

"What for? And do you have any at all?"

"I'm meeting Sigma later. I'm looking and I haven't found any."

"Oh, nice!"

"Thanks. So...what do I do?"

"I could shop with you if you want."

"You would!"

"We're best friends, of course I would."

"You're amazing."

"Well, thanks."

"You're welcome! Is now a good time? I'm meeting Sigma at six-thirty tonight."

"Yeah, now's good. I'll be right over."

"Thanks a million, Kunikida. I owe you one."

"Let me know how it goes tonight and we're even."

"You got it!"

"Alright, bye."

"Bye!" With that, Katai hung up.

True to his word, Kunikida showed up a few minutes later.

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