Chapter 15: Confessing

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Sigma woke up, having done most of his overthinking last night. Now he was mostly filled with determination.

Today was the day that he confessed to Katai.

He could absolutely do this.

He was going to tell Katai everything. Especially the newfound truth that he liked him.

Meanwhile, Katai was freaking out, and he wasn't even completely sure why. Actually, he did somewhat know why. What he didn't completely know was why he was freaking out as much as he was. So he did the sensible thing: calling Kunikida.

"Hello?" Kunikida said.


"Jeez, can you not deafen me?!"


"What's wrong?"

"...Uh, could you come over? I need to talk."

"Sure." Kunikida was worried.


"You're welcome."

Kunikida showed up a few minutes later, still worried. He knocked on the door.

Katai answered it. "Hi."

"Hey." Kunikida watched Katai.

Katai let Kunikida in and walked towards the couch.

Kunikida sat down next to him. "So, what's going on?"

"I just...I don't know how to say this..."

"Say what?"

"...I realized I do like Sigma. This time I'm sure."

About time you figured it out. "I see."

"So um...yeah. Don't really know what to do about that."

"The best thing you can do is just be honest with him."

"...I guess you're right."

"Based on everything I've heard from you, Sigma does seem to like you and has been enjoying spending time with you."


"So wouldn't it make the most sense to be honest with him?"

"It would."


"I'm going to do it."


Katai smiled. "And it's partially thanks to you."

"How so?"

"You've been taking the time to help me and give me advice when I needed it."

"Hey, it's what friends do."

"And it's helped a lot."

"I'm glad it has."

Katai smiled more.

Kunikida smiled back.

The two friends chatted more for a bit, and then Kunikida left.

"Let me know what happens?" the idealist asked as he began to walk out the door.

"Definitely," Katai confirmed.

"I'll look forward to it." Kunikida waved and left.

Katai waved back, and then he picked up his phone and began to text Sigma.

Katai: hey Sigma?

Sigma: Yes?

Katai: there's something I need to tell you later

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