Chapter 1: The First Meeting

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One day, Katai had surprisingly left his house. He hadn't really had a choice. He needed to get groceries and he couldn't ask his best friend Kunikida to do it for him since he was at work. Plus, Kunikida likely would've just told Katai to do it himself. Or maybe he would've done it. Either way, Katai had to do it himself this time.

He hated leaving his house, but sadly he just had to do it sometimes. Not that that helped him dislike it any less. It just made it feel like even more of a chore. If it were up to him, he would never leave it.

After what felt like an eternity of Katai dragging his feet, he finally reached the store. He could do this. He could successfully run an errand on his own and get the groceries he needed. He could definitely do this.

...He could not do this.

He'd only stepped into the store a few seconds ago and he already wanted to go home. This would not do. He often wondered why he couldn't just run an errand like a normal person without instantly wanting to leave. He felt like something was wrong with him.

Of course, Kunikida would be the first to tell him otherwise. That was one of the things that made him such a good friend. Even if Katai had trouble believing it, it was still nice to know that someone didn't think he was weird.

Katai was so lost in thought that he didn't realize he'd walked right into someone.

He blinked and snapped out of his daze. "Sorry..."

"Oh no, that's quite alright," a soothing voice replied.

Katai blinked again and finally got a good look at the person he'd bumped into.

The owner of the voice had long, pretty white/lilac hair, gray eyes, and a calm demeanor. If Katai didn't know better, he'd say that he had actually just seen an angel.

"What's your name?" the person asked.

"Katai," came the answer.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Sigma."

"Nice to meet you, Sigma."

They shook hands and smiled at each other.

"I should probably get going now, but it was nice to meet you," Sigma said.

Katai nodded. "Right. Same here. Maybe we'll run into each other again?"

"Perhaps." Sigma waved and walked away.

Katai waved back and then continued on with his shopping. He was a bit distracted though. He'd never seen someone quite so...beautiful.

Wait, what am I thinking? Katai wondered. He'd literally just met Sigma. What on earth was this?

As Sigma left the store, he was thinking similar thoughts. He barely had any friends or anyone he could talk to other than Fyodor and Nikolai, and truth be told, those two could get really irritating sometimes. He often felt like the mom of the group, always having to keep them out of trouble or lecture them or something. But the guy he'd just met...maybe he would be the first person Sigma didn't find himself frustrated by. Maybe Katai was someone he could enjoy hanging out with. Maybe, just maybe, he could find himself in a situation where he and Katai crossed paths again. Maybe this chance encounter wouldn't be just a chance encounter. Maybe it would turn into something more.

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