chapter 2

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"Donnie, keep it down! I don't want everyone knowing!" Leo covers his brothers mouth. "Promise not to yell?" Donnie nods his head in response. Leo moves his hand away.

"So.. why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell us? You know how good we are with that stuff.." His eyes trail down to the floor. "D-Do you not trust us? Do you not trust me?" His voice quivers.

"I know.. I should have told you years ago. I just.. He wanted to keep it a secret.. and I just kept it so. Of course, I trust you guys! I trust you the most Dee, why do you think you're the first to know? Because I know you'll keep it quiet for me until we're ready to tell everyone." Leo smiles as he places a hand on his brothers shell.

"Thank you for telling me, Leo.. I really do appreciate it. I just wish you'd have to me sooner." He sits up and sighs.

"Anyway, enough about me, how are you?" Leo smiles and faces his brother.

"I'm getting tired. We can talk about me after the mission tomorrow." Donnie gets up from his brother bed. "I'll see you tomorrow, dear brother." As he leaves his brothers train car, he looks back. Thoughts running through his head. His brother, his little brother has been in a relationship for four years and no one knew, he kept it a secret for years. He hid himself for years. How did none of them realise?

He was so lost in his thought's he didn't see his youngest brother and walks straight into him.

"Ow Dee.. Donnie? You okay?" Mikey asks.

"Huh? What? Oh yeah, Mikey, I'm fine!" He smiles at the younger one.

"You sure?" He raises his brow to his brother.

"Yeah, yeah. Just going over the mission plan in my head, yknow? Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to bed." Donnie makes his way to his train car. He lays face down and soon let's sleep take him.

As does the rest of the team. All except for one. Their fearless leader. He's tried many things over the years, but his insomnia comes at times when he really needs to rest. He decides to take himself for a walk that usually makes him a little sleepy.

He looks towards the clock on his wall. 3:05am. He sighs. "Let's get this over with" He walks out of the Lair down the abandoned subway. Constantly checking his phone.

"Leonardo?" He hears from above him.

He looks up and smiles. "It took you long enough!"

The figure jumps down from the roof. "Sorry my love. It was hard to sneak away. I think they know you're coming. And that I'm the one leaking info to you." He embraces his boyfriend.

"Sagi cmon.. you need to stay with us it's getting too dangerous.." Leo begs. He's asked Usagi thousands of times to leave The Foot. To no avail.

"After this mission. I promise."

Leo looks at his partner in shock. "REALLY?!" He lifts Usagi into the air. A huge grin on his face. He's waited years for this. This mission might be it. Usagi might finally be free from them.

"Aren't Ninja meant to be quiet?" Usagi giggles.

"Most of the time. But when the love of your life just said they will leave the Foot Clan. They might get a little loud and excited. Sue me!" Leo brings Usgai back down to his level. They smile and place their forheads together.

"I love you, Leonardo Hamato."

"I love you too, Usgai Hamato."

They smile at each other.

Things Need To ChangeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora