Agent 4 finds the Secret Bowling Alley

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Secret bowling alley, this sounds awesome! - MC.Princess

Doesn't your mansion have a bowling alley too? - DJ_Hyperfresh

Yeah, but it's out in the open and not a secret. - MC.Princess

Alrighty. - DJ_Hyperfresh

What can you share about this place though? - MC.Princess

Back when the Octocanyon was established, some Octarians decided that they were bored and built a bowling alley. Octavio wanted them to work and not go bowling so he ordered it to be destroyed. Afraid and unwilling to destroy their hard work, I was hired to build something to keep it hidden. I did just that and this was a cool hangout place for Octarians and Octolings alike who just wanted to take a break from life. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Ah, I wonder what Calz did to change it then. - MC.Princess

Date: August 5th, 2017

Agent 4 wakes up to the smell of scrambled eggs. I had been cooking some for them because I figured that if they truly are going to find Callie, I should actually be feeding Agent 4 three meals a day instead of the occasional 1 meal a day. 

I'm pretty sure that's illegal. - MC.Princess

Pearlie, Grizz Co. does a lot more illegal things than what Marie is doing, I'm sure the authorities are more focused on them than on Marie. - DJ_Hyperfresh

After a nice and relaxing meal, Agent 4 cracks open another kettle and gets to work. They're issued the standard hero shot, and almost instantly spots two Octoballer launchers.

Dang, the Octarians have some weird ways to bowl. - MC.Princess

The Octarians don't have arms so they can't really throw the bowling ball. They also like to sit inside the bowling ball so that they can get spins on the ball which are needed for certain shots like the 7-10 split. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Thankfully for Agent 4, there's spots for them to stand that are out of the way of the Octoballers. allowing for them to make it to a spot where a grate is overhanging above a wall which they climb up and make it up close and personal with the Octoballer Launchers and continue down the path on the side. After activating the first checkpoint, I order that Agent 4 should stay in their lane.

Clever pun. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 takes this to heart as they climb up another stretch where the Octoballers are rolling down. This time, however, two Octotroopers try to slow Agent 4 down but they don't slow Agent 4 down enough to cause them to be run over by an Octoballer. After moving out of the way, Agent 4 takes the launchpad to the next area where they need to use the Octoballers as cover to prevent being hit by two Twintacle Octotroopers.

How durable are those bowling balls anyway? - MC.Princess

Really durable, it takes quite a lot to shatter one. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Agent 4 doesn't bother doing that as they instead throw a splat bomb at the two twintacle Octotroopers and blow them both up. 

Poor guys. - DJ_Hyperfresh

After strutting past the Octo-bowlers and climbing a wall, Agent 4 comes to an area that's monitored by an Octosniper. This time, Agent 4 uses the Octo-bowlers as cover and dodges each shot from the Octosniper and once in splatbomb range, throws a splat bomb to blow up both the Octosniper and the gusher behind it. 

Marina, how do Octarians work? - MC.Princess

Pearl, now isn't a good time. - DJ_Hyperfresh

But there's a lot of stuff I'm wondering about them now. - MC.Princess

Pearl, Octarian reproduction is something even I don't know much about. I mostly just know that Octarians are produced when an Octoling would cut their hair as the removed tentacle would become an Octarian- DJ_Hyperfresh

After taking the gusher upward, Agent 4 finds a launch pad that launches them over to a pair of Octoballer launchers. Agent 4 decides that they haven't been reckless in a while so they charge down the lane, only occasionally stopping to take out an Octotrooper when they appeared. After reaching the top, Agent 4 then takes the launchpad to the next area. 

I'm surprised Agent 4 hasn't splatted any of the Octo-ballers, they must be really considerate. - DJ_Hyperfresh

You're not gonna like this next part. All that about how Agent 4 has a heart might need a restart after seeing this. - MC.Princess

Agent 4 encounters a massive Octo-baller, believe these ones are called "Kingpin Octo-baller". They move out of the way of the first Kingpin Octo-baller but use the cannon on the side to take out the second one. 

I need a moment. - DJ_Hyperfresh

*DJ_Hyperfresh has disconnected.*

Well ok then. Marina will be back though. She did say when we both agreed to finish this whole thing that she'll need to take breaks at times because these entries do give her some bad flashbacks and she cares about all the octarians very deeply. I'll keep this going though. - MC.Princess

They then cruise through to the next launchpad onto the final checkpoint and with the Zapfish in sight, Agent 4 cruises forwards. Charging down the lane of three octoballer launchers and using the gusher at the end to get up to the zap fish and snags it.

Marina picked a bad time to take a break. - MC.Princess

Agent 4 seems to need 4 more zap fish before they can gain access to the boss kettle and they need a break. Luckily, I baked some chocolate cake and maybe this time they'll let me have more than just one slice. 

mmmmmm, cake. - MC.Princess

*DJ_Hyperfresh has connected*

I'm back! Did I miss anything? - DJ_Hyperfresh

You timed your break very poorly but it's fine. Just about finished with this line. - MC.Princess

Until next time, Stay Fresh! 

I did time that poorly. - DJ_Hyperfresh

Don't worry Marina, you'll get it soon. - MC.Princess

Thanks Pearlie, but to the reader, Don't get cooked. - DJ_Hyperfresh


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