Chapter 7

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I loved the way his eyes used to soften into a smile. I met Lily at the canteen and soon after I met Yuki and Samantha there too. As we walked down I saw Tim walking down. "Ahhh cute." I said really quietly under my breath.

When we got to the oval Tim, Ben, Nathan and Lachlan were there chilling. I stared at Tim happily. I bit my lip and then covered my mouth with my hand unconsciously. He was so gorgeous my eyes took control of me.

Ben nudged Tim and started laughing. Tim glanced at me and shook his head. Ben pointed at me then pointed at Tim and made a heart with his hands. Tim whacked him and started blushing! What does this mean? He would. . .never like me. . .right?

As the bell rang we all walked up the steps. I stopped and waited looking behind me for Tim. "Ooooooohhhhhh waiting for Tim are we??" Lily laughed. "Shut up!" I joked. As Tim walked up behind me I walked even faster. Everytime I looked back at him my heart would beat faster and I would hug Lily's arm tightly. Tim tried not to laugh and Ben smiled and grinned. "Cute." I whispered into Lily's ear. "Ha! Ben is cute too!" Lily replied joyfully. I smiled back at her happily.

Class is so boring. I wish I could see Tim all day. I get up and look pretty for him everyday but I'm stuck in this boring class! Why?! I try my hardest in class, I do, I really do but. . .I wish Tim was here. "Snap out of it Yuna!" I mumbled to myself.

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