Ch-27 When lies come undone

Start from the beginning

Egg thrower: No wonder he was so cocky..

Egg: ........

Egg thrower: And why didnt you or Arlo seem phased at all by it.

Egg thrower: while we had our jaws on the floor u were sweating and looking away--

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: Lets stop this.

egg thrower: No.

Sera: Ive thought about this for a while now but the way Arlo treats john nowadays is...different. Aside from the sexual tension hes like an obedient dog 

Sera: Remember when we were looking for Remis papers after schl? Arlo didnt complain or get mad at a single thing he did, not even a peep if john was being unreasonable or sassy. maybe its cause he was completely whipped at the time but even thats a stretch

Egg thrower: And in the gc..Isen (almost) always shut up when he was told to..

Fukk equality:right..

Equality: Isen..whats going on?

Sera: And be honest.

Egg: ...

Egg: Ha..hes going to kill me after this

Fukk equality: Oh whatever!

Fukk equality: Just ask arlo to seduce him out of it!

Daddy👨‍👦‍👦: What--?

Sera: Isen. Talk.

Egg: Here we go..




Egg: ------




Egg: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------




Equality: ----------!?

Egg: ----...

Egg: ------------------------------------








Egg: and thats pretty much all of it..

Sera: ....

Equality: all of that happened without us knowing...

Egg thrower: So thats why you were researching John back then.

Fukk equality: and thats where all those wounds Arlo had came from..

Equality: I cant believe this..

Sera: ...

Sera: I dont know what to think anymore..

Sera: He lied to me, betrayed me for years.. was i even talking to the real john? or just a fake personality..???

Egg: ...

Evie: Sera.. I dont think he ever wanted to betray you..or meant to..I mean we all have our secrets dont we?.. a-and that doesnt mean he didnt can tell that right? you two have been practically inseparable for so long! You should know what he really feels

Equality: Yea!

Equality: Im sure he just wasnt ready to tell you yet.. remember the day before the sports festival? privacy and personal space is something everyone needs..we cant force them to tell us, so we should wait until theyre ready and support them..!

Egg: Yeah!

Equality: Shut it. youre half the reason all of this happend. ill deal with you after all of this is done you little quack (ㆆ_ㆆ)

Equality: count ur days 

Egg: I m  I n  d a n g e r

Egg thrower: damn right.

Sera: Dibs on arlos left foot.

Equality: Ill take his right arm! 😌

Fukk equality: haha..

Fukk equality: Im glad we talked this out..

Sera: Yea..I think i can come to a conclusion on my own

Sera: and try to john..

Equality: atta girl! were rooting for u!

Fukk equality: Yea! take ur time ace!

Sera: Thanks, guys


I turn off my phone, and roll to my side

"New Bostin, huh.." I whisper into my pillow

I gather my thoughts slowly

Something more must've happened, he wouldn't have assaulted for no reason..right?

the story couldn't have ended there

Home schooling..

What was he doing for so long if it wasn't home schooling? what happened in that gap.. and what happened before

Was it something to do with his classmates?

I ponder for a second


I turn my phone back on and slowly swipe into my contacts, ready to go past borders in I know I shouldn't break and invade

Sorry Remi, but I need to know.


The contact pops up





Dont forget to vote if u enjoyed, and sorry for the wait c:

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