L'altra dimensione and For Your Love was written about/mentioned me but I only thought that he used them as a way to show the tension and lust between us in a way and not actual romantic feelings.

"You'll see soon giovane"  He taunts as I roll my eyes and open the sliding door, only to find the apartment empty. 

"Oh my god did they steal all of the showers?" I groan and plop onto the couch,

"I'm done with the shower," Damiano says as he walks out of the guest bathroom ruffling his hair. 

His tattoos are showing fully as he only has his towel wrapped around his waist. Not going to lie, I stared for a good amount of time. 

"Take a picture while you're at it" Damiano sends me a devilish smirk as Ethan fake gags in the back,

"Don't get your hopes up. I only like the tattoos" I say walking past him and purposefully bumping his shoulder just to tease him. 

"Order food please I'm starving!" I call out once I'm in the bathroom, 

"Yes! I'm hungry too!!" Victoria yells from the bedroom where she's laying on the bed too lazy to shower. Little does she know I'm going to force her stinky ass to shower once I'm done. 

"Thomas she'll kill you for smoking inside" I hear Damiano say to Thomas, 

"Fuck yeah I will!" I yell from the bathroom once again, 

"Oh go shower already!" Thomas curses at me, causing me to laugh.


"Where did Dami go?" I ask the group as we're all cuddled on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and eating take-out pasta. 

Ethan gives me a side eye and a smirk which I reply by rolling my eyes at him. 

"He went to the bedroom to finish off the thing he was writing," Vic says, not removing her eyes from the screen as she takes another bite of her pasta. 

She and Thomas are basically hooked on this show. They're literally like hormonal teenage girls. Obsessed would be an understatement for the relationship they have between this show and them. But aye I don't blame them.

I stand up and walk towards the bedroom. I can see Dami on my desk with only the small desk light on, his notebook out, and his pen. 

I decide to lean against the doorframe and watch him a little bit to see how long it takes him before he notices. 

After a few minutes, he finally turns to me, 

"You know I literally knew you were here like 5 minutes ago I just didn't acknowledge it," he says as I laugh a little,

"Can I see what you're writing now?" I ask, walking into the room as he closes his book and shakes his head while giving me a toothy smile.

"Nope," he says, popping the P

"Pleaseeee" I beg, trying to snatch the book from his hand, 

"for a kiss?" I ask as he pauses for a second before shaking his head, 

"Damn that didn't work either?" I ask as he shrugs.

"Please," I ask as he shakes his head again, 

"party pooper" I huff and flop onto my bed. 

"I'll read you ONE line of it okay?" he asks as I jump up and nod frantically, 

"Coraline vuole il mare ma ha paura dell'acqua

E forse il mare è dentro di lei"

He reads as time stops moving for a second. My jaw drops instantly.

"Coraline wants the sea but is afraid of water

And maybe the sea is inside her"

Holy shit. 

"Remind you of someone?" Damiano asks, breaking the silence as he sits down next to me on the bed while I'm still frozen. 

"Please read more," I say softly, turning to face him. He glances down at my lips and then back up to my eyes. 

"Nope," he says once again with a smile, snapping me out of my trans.

We both sit there in the dark, barely seeing each other's faces as his notebook is still on the desk. It's a comforting silence. 

His shampoo and cigarette smell fills my senses from how close he is to me. We sit there for another few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

"I think I want another tattoo," I say after a while of sitting. Even in the dark, I can see him raising his eyebrow as his signature 'what?' move. 

"A wave" I clarify as he lets out a small chuckle and falls back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes, 

"Whattt It's cute," I say with a small chuckle

"And has a meaning" he adds as I nod, laying on the bed next to him. He turns his head to look into my eyes. 

"Why don't you like the water?" he asks. His hand slowly finds mine in the dark as he cups mine in his. 

"I'll tell you later," I say as he gives a small nod. 

"Okay," he says softly and closes his eyes. 

Before long, in the dark and comfort, I find myself falling asleep.

"dalla luna" ▪︎ damiano davidWhere stories live. Discover now