Ice cream

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So there I was. Guess again, that's me, yet it seemed like a different person. Dude, I talked like a total badass in chat compared to how I talked IRL.

Standing in front of a small Thee shop I looked at UA standing rather far away, yet it's height made it easy to spot.
Would there be class right now?
I mean, I was kinda skipping from my own school.
Not that anyone minded, I mean, I had asked permission. The new teachers were rather kind to me, almost if I was equal to the others.

I looked away from UA and my mind went to the certain Rat walking up to the road.
Panic got the best of me and I rushed inside of the shop.

Inside I pretended to be interested in the many flavours of tea. In reality... I preferred coffee.
Opening my phone I typed into the chat.

Guess again
Hvbvbvvbbv I'm nervous:(

No need, Rat is very kind

Guess again
How should I know? I've never met him before

It's fine, if he is anything but kind, I'll have a talk with him

Guess again
How is that reassuring?

It is.

Trust me, you'll be fine!

Guess again
But my wings are demonic, what if he hates it?

He won't, just remain calm and you'll do great

There's no possible way you can mess up

Guess again
The last time you guys said I'd get 100% I got 30

Remember what happened next?

Guess again

The sound of one of those classic bells rung trough the shop as the door opened.

Looking at the mouse, bear... Rat, I froze up.

The cheerful face of the chimera was surprising to me. He raised his paw and said, "Hi there!"

I closed my phone and waved back a little, "hi." I mumbled, glancing back at the floor, hoping to avoid eye contact.

"Most amazing wings you've got!" Rat walked over to me, "How fast can you fly?" He asked, "Looking at their angle they should be able to gather enough force to—"

I cut him off, kinda weirded out, "I-I can't even fly that high. And probably not."

Nezu didn't drop his smile, "I'm not lying, and I'm sure you'd be able to learn. How great of a hero you could be."

Feeling overwhelmed by the situation and the fact I didn't know if it was a lie, I decided to change the subject, "So what animal are you really?"

Rat- Nezu answered, "A chimera, do you like tea?"

"If I'm honest... I prefer coffee." I said, hoping it wouldn't upset him.

"Can I offer you a cup of coffee, then?" Nezu asked, pointing to a small stand with coffee.

Should I say yes? No, he'd spend money on me, coffee and tea is expensive. Then again—
I cut off my thought process, "We should talk about the court date." I said.

"That's fair." Nezu gestured to the door, "We should talk that over in my office, UA isn't that far from here."

I nodded.
Once we got there I was more comfortable in the chimera's presence, he was kind, just like grandma— no Recovery Girl said.

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