To Dance In My Dreams (Klaine)

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The second Kurt got the news, he ran home.

He bypassed the subway completely and just ran. The adrenaline in his veins was pumping strong and simply wouldn't let him sit still on a train for any amount of time, so he ran like his life depended on it. It probably (definitely) ended up taking longer than it should have, but Kurt needed to be moving, he needed to get home, he needed to tell Blaine.

It was quite honestly a miracle that Kurt was able to unlock the door to his apartment given how hard his hands were shaking, how hard his entire body was shaking. Yet, with a small amount of struggle, he managed to get the door open. He thundered through the door, grinning so wide, his face was starting to ache.

"Blaine!" he called, dumping his bag on the middle of the floor, not bothering to hang it up or even close the door. He started to go looking for him, but only had to for a couple of seconds before Blaine became visible around a corner, following Kurt's voice. When Kurt laid eyes on Blaine, who was looking at him up and down, face etched with confusion and concern, Kurt let out what felt like a mix between a sob and a laugh. Blaine stepped forward to greet his husband, reaching out to grip his arms.

"Kurt, babe, you're drenched in sweat, what-"

"I ran home."

Blaine's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why on earth would you run? You must be-"

"I got it!" Kurt interrupted, breathless. Blaine blinked at him.


"Pippin, I got the role," Kurt laughed. "I'm Pippin. I did it."

Kurt watched Blaine's expression shift suddenly, from confusion, to realization, to pure joy.

"Oh my God!" Blaine exclaimed, loudly. He lunged forward to kiss Kurt soundly on the lips. "Pippin," Blaine kissed Kurt again. "You did it." Blaine kissed him once more, this one slower and deeper. Kurt smiled into Blaine's lips, unbelievably happy. "I am so proud of you."

"I've been working so hard... God, I thought I'd never get a part, and then..."

"You didn't give up," Blaine said, smiling gently as he looked deep into Kurt's eyes.

"I almost did," Kurt breathed, letting his head drop onto Blaine's chest. Blaine chuckled and lifted Kurt's chin up gently with his hand, looking him in the eyes with so much love.

"I'm so glad you didn't. I was planning on singing you 'The Schmuel Song' and everything."

"You were not. Oh my god, take that back, tell me you weren't."

"What?" Blaine laughed. Kurt shimmied out of Blaine's hold and looked at him with a teasing glare.

"The Last 5 Years ends in complete and total heartbreak. You can wish for my success all you want but don't do it like Jamie fucking Wellerstein."

"Imagine the irony if you got that part when you auditioned for it."

"Ugh, shut up," Kurt mumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Blaine smiled, and touched Kurt's shoulder, moving his thumb in small circles around Kurt's neck, looking in Kurt's eyes with a certain intensity that only Kurt was familiar with.

"Everything happens for a reason. Now you're going to be the most beautiful, bendy, attractive Pippin the world has ever seen."

"I know, I know. I'm so excited. I'll need to start doing yoga again. Also, I-" Kurt stopped mid-sentence as he really looked at his husband, and how he was looking back at him. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"I know that look, Blaine. That is your "something I'm talking about is totally turning you on" look." There was a very telling pause before Kurt dissolved into laughter. "God, you just remembered that Pippin has a shirtless scene, didn't you?"


"Am I going to have to forbid you from coming to my shows? I don't think my director is going to look kindly upon my husband jumping on stage mid -"With You" to have his dirty way with me."

"No, no, of course not. I'll just close my eyes. And then you can reenact it for me once we're home," Blaine said, looking up at Kurt with a smirk. Kurt chuckled and shook his head.

"You are such an idiot."

"And you are a Broadway superstar."

Kurt nodded, beaming ear to ear. "Quite the pair."


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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