.CH 1.

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Hi! Thank you for coming for the first official chapter! This will likely be much longer than the prologue.
"Speaking in a language other than Finnish will be shown like this"
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"Relax, Tino. You look good."
"But I don't want to look good! I want to look perfect!"

The two stood in front of their mirror, dressed in business casual clothing. The Fin's platinum blond hair was styled neatly. He wore a simple blue button-down top with plain black jeans. He didn't have any shoes on, only matching black socks.

Berwald was equally dressed up. His overall outfit was similar to his husband's, with the only twist being the color. All-black. His dirty-blond hair was slicked back, and a stunning sapphire necklace was visible past his shirt collar.

"Tino, you always look perfect." He spoke lowly, a comforting hand resting on the Fin's shoulder.
In response, Tino smiled back at him, expression warm as ever, "Thanks, rakas*, you're so sweet... But, really, I wanna be perfect for this. It feels like something's missing from my outfit, does it not?"

For a moment, there was no response at all. That was a short moment, though, as Berwald wordlessly walked away. This didn't confuse Tino, it just made him sigh for a moment as he hyper-focused on his appearance. Frankly, his husband walking away at random times without saying anything usually just meant that he was going to be right back and didn't find speaking necessary at that moment.

"Try these." The Swede said, suddenly reappearing. His hand was held out, and two small, black earrings rested in his outstretched palm.

Tino inspected the earrings for a moment. They weren't his, and Berwald didn't have any piercings the last time he checked. Nevertheless, they were stunning. Some sort of see-through material tinted a light shade of black or dark gray. Right in the center was a speck of gold, allowing the earrings to look like tiny black flowers. "Ber... these are stunning! Where did you find them?" He asked as he carefully placed the earrings into his earlobe where his piercings rested.

"I bought them," He answered sheepishly, "I was going to save them for your birthday... but it looked like you needed them now, so..."

"Aww... Muru*..!" The shorter cooed as he finished putting in the earrings. He turned to his husband with a smile, "They're perfect. Thank you, minun kulta*."

Berwald's cheeks became dusted with a pink blush as he turned away, " 'S no problem, mitt hjärta**."

With a click of the tongue against his teeth, Tino moved his soulmate's head to face him again, leaning up to press a gentle peck to his lips, "Don't look away from me when I'm showering you with love and affection! You deserve it, after all, for being so sweet!"

Before Tino had the chance to continue his playful teasing, there was an obnoxiously loud knock at the door. The blonds both froze.

"Oh, Jeeze!" Tino exclaimed quietly as he moved towards the door, "They're here already? Ber, go sit down, look normal!"

Despite how ridiculous the thought of pretending to be sitting down felt, Berwald truly did not feel like opposing the hard-headed Finn at that moment.

With one last deep breath to calm his nerves, Tino opened the door. Behind it stood an average-height woman. Her skin was fair and pale, and her hair was a beautiful shade of light brown. It formed naturally perfect waves down to her waist. She wore black snow boots, as well as a black coat and black jeans. They were ripped at the knees, revealing matching black leggings underneath. Her coat remained unzipped, revealing a bright blue collared top.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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