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And that is the end of the story. If you, the reader or listener, had hoped for closure, for Shoto to remember things, for him to at least fall in love with Katsuki again, you choose the wrong story. This story ends the way they do in real life, with no closure given and no perfect, happy ending.

Shoto never remembered anything. He never met his mother, his sister, or any of his other siblings. His mother was released from the hospital and took care of the other kids, while his oldest sister had moved out of his father's house a month before the 'accident.' Shoto's father thought it would be better if he and Shoto moved away from the place of the 'accident,' so they did. Shoto deleted the numbers on his phone belonging to names he didn't recognize. He never spoke to any of his old friends again, and none of them ever tried to call him. Shoto's father gave up on trying to make him into the number one hero, and Shoto never had the desire to be a hero. He became an amazing surgeon, and Katsuki sometimes saw him on the news, but never cared enough to reach out to him or try to find him.

His friends moved on and after a few years, he was nothing but a memory. They went on with their lives. Katsuki went on with his life, too. He didn't forget Shoto, but he was nothing more than a sad memory. Katsuki never dated another guy, but he did go out with several girls. He went out with them, but he never felt anything towards them. As an adult, he never married. He became a hero, but he'd lost the spark in him and never became number one. He saved people all the time, but he'd lost the viciousness that used to be what people associated with him.

With time, Katsuki forgot how it felt to be by Shoto's side and forgot what it was like to kiss him that first and only time. He forgot most of what they said to each other, but he never forgot what he tried to tell Shoto as he left the hospital.

"I love you."

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