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Ida walked back inside. "Good luck, Shoto and Katsuki."

"I heard you two were dating." Uraraka said. "Tell me what's going on, because I thought Shoto was still technically dating Izuku."

"We're not dating." I confirmed before Bakugo could start swearing. "But I don't think Izuku and I are still together. I do still love him, though, and if I could still be with him I would."

"Good. Now. Katsuki, you still have to protect Shoto. He's too pure for this world, okay?"

"Jesus, fine. I'll make sure to throw him off a cliff as soon as I can." Bakugo turned around and started walking away.

Uraraka turned to me. "He doesn't mean that. Trust me. Oh, and, Shoto, I know you two are looking for Deku. Don't worry, I won't tell anybody. But we all know Deku might've changed, so if he doesn't... um... if he doesn't love you anymore... well... I want you to know that someone'll be there for you." She looked at Bakugo. "He's not as bad as he seems. You... you mean a lot to him. Remember that. He just feels like he can't show it." She stepped back. "Bye guys! See you when you get back!" Then she slammed the door.

I turned around and followed Bakugo. "What'd she want?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said. "Just wanted to wish me luck for dealing with you."

"Don't lie. Tell me what that chick said or else."

"Okay, fine, she said not to be sad if Izuku doesn't feel the way I do when we find him because someone else will be there for me, and not to hate you because I mean more to you than I think."

"Jesus Christ, I'm gonna kill this girl next time I see her."

"Sorry?" I asked. "What'd I do?"

"You're not a girl. I'm obviously not talking about you."

"Alright, alright, sorry. Let's just get to Hosu."

"Fine." He scowled and walked faster. I walked faster too, because I didn't want to be left behind.

I saw the sign about a half hour later, telling us we'd made it to the relatively small town of Hosu. (If it's not really small just pretend. I didn't feel like doing too much research and I don't live in Japan.)

"My mom lives this way." Bakugo said, speeding up even more. I nearly had to run to keep up with him. When we got there after a couple minutes, he stopped at the door. "My mom... uh... she... she knows I'm gay, and she... she's gonna assume we're dating. Just,  um... look, it's my mom. I know how to deal with her, so I'm gonna make jokes and bend truths. Don't take it too seriously, alright? I know Floaty Girl filled your head with false information, but I don't like you. Especially not in that way."
"Okay." I said.

He looked at me for a second, then knocked on the door. "Who is it?" A woman's voice called out.

"It's me, Mom." He called back.

The door flew open. The woman looked like a female version of Bakugo, spiky blonde hair and all. "Katsuki? You haven't been here in a while. What's up?" Then she caught sight of me. "Oh, my God, who's this?! He's so adorable! Come in, come in!" She walked into the house.

Bakugo looked at me. "Don't say anything unless it goes along with what I'm saying. If she straight up asks if we're dating, which she probably will, I'll do the talking."

"Okay." He took my hand and pulled me inside, closing the door behind us. "Please don't do that." I mumbled.

"See, I knew that chick was giving you false information." He said.

He let go of my hand and went into a room that I guessed was the living room. I followed him silently. His mother was sitting on one of the couches. Bakugo sat in the one next to it and pulled me down next to him. I sat as far from him as I could without looking like I was avoiding him. What Uraraka said had changed the way I interpreted his actions.

"So..." His mother stared at him. "What brings you two here?"

"We were looking for someone he knows." Bakugo said, nodding at me. "That person happened to be in Hosu."

"Speaking of missing people, I heard about Izuku. That's really so sad. That boy was such a nice kid, and smart, too." Bakugo's mother looked sad for a moment.

"I know, Mom. If we can't find his friend today, can we spend the night here?" Bakugo seemed so calm, and it was so different that how he normally was. I was used to him being loud and swearing. I liked this calm, serene side of him.

"Of course you can! But I do have one question. Is he your boyfriend?"

Bakugo laughed a little. "I wish."

"Oh, alright. You two can sleep in Katsuki's room, upstairs. We don't have a guest room. Sorry about that." She left the room.

Bakugo sighed and leaned back. "Glad she's gone. I have a bunk bed, so don't worry. We're not sleeping together."

"Did... did you mean it?" I asked.

"What?" He looked at me.

I blushed and looked away. "Did you mean what you said?"

"Which part?" He didn't seem confused, just like he wanted to get me to say it.

"Oh, um. Nevermind. It, um, doesn't matter. You said not to take anything you said seriously anyway."

He turned my head to make me look at him. I blushed harder. "Tell me."

I tried to look away again, but he didn't let go of my face. "When you, um, you said you wished..." I trailed off, too embarrassed to finish. I completely regretted ever speaking.

"When I wished what?" He asked. When I didn't respond, he moved closer to my face. "Say it."

"That we were, um, that we were dating." I said quietly.

"Good boy." He moved his mouth next to my ear. "Do you want me to mean it?"

"Stop it..." I whispered.

He moved away and let go of my face. I looked away immediately and pulled my legs to my chest. "I'll take that as a no." I could almost hear the smirk in his voice. "But I might've meant it." I looked up at him, surprised. He laughed and stood up. "Maybe I did. I'm not too sure. I'll let you figure that out for yourself."

I looked away again. "It's not funny." I mumbled.

"Oh, well, I thought it was. You got so flustered when I got close. Maybe you like that?" His smirk grew.

"Shut up."

"Nah. Come on, we can put our stuff in my room and go looking for Deku, or at least more clues." He held out his hand for me to take.

I stood up without taking his hand. "Lead the way. I don't know where your room is."

He started walking upstairs to his room. He opened the door, only to turn around in complete confusion. He yelled down the hall, "Mom?"

"What's up?" She called back.

"What happened to my bunk bed?"

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