with Birth, comes Life

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Nothing went through your mind when you were 'born'.

You were empty. You could see, hear and feel, but no thoughts would pass through your mind. 

You could feel liquid move between your tiny fingers, and as they would twitch, the substance would move along with you. You could hear the sounds that came from behind the murky fluid in front of you, and though it was hard to see, you could make out figures past the glass. 

But, your mind didn't seem quite capable to understand, to think, of what your senses were taking in. 

The first time a thought entered your mind was when a face of a woman was in your sight. Her face was close to whatever held you. Her eyes scanned you up and down, studying you. 

Your first thought was: "This is a human."

She was a person. A part of the human race. 

You did not question how you knew this. 

From then on, your mind worked overtime to inform you of what you were thinking. Information floods your mind and drowns out all of your other senses. For a period of time, all you could do was think. Sentences formed in your mind without you even trying, overwhelming you. Most of these thoughts you couldn't even make out, the formed sentences disappearing as fast as they were created. 

"The subject seems to be forming quite well." A human spoke behind the glass you were floating in. Her voice just barely made it past the liquid and into your ears. 

"It is." Another one spoke. His eyes looked you over, stopping at your face. Behind your strings of hair that covered your vision, your eyes met his. The edges of his lips move down, "Has this one been showing any signs of brain activity? I haven't seen it move since the infant stage." 

A small sound came out of the woman's throat as she looked down at whatever she was holding in her hands. "You're right. The last recorded movement was three weeks ago, its fingers were twitching."

"That's it?" He said as he moved closer. There was something, almost heavy in his tone, but you could not tell what it was. "The others have at least learned to extend their legs, while this one's still in its fetal position."

"You think it's defective?" She questioned.


It was that time, within the three weeks of your mind constantly moving that it stopped. Your thoughts froze, and one coherent sentence was formed.

The sentence was: "If these people are humans, then what am I?"

The first time your feet hit the ground, the rest of your body came along with it. Your knees smacked the cold cement, and the top half of your body followed, causing an impact on your nose.

The people around you mumbled as they moved their hands as fast as their mouths. Your turned head faced them, eyes studying the same they did to you. Your eyes made contact with the same male doctor from before. In his eyes, you could feel the same heavy feeling from before. As if he was trying to put a weight on you, to pin you down. "What a disappointment. Another failure." He said, his eyes not leaving yours. 

Disappointment. That's what the feeling was. 

With the feeling in their hearts. The humans turned away from you, going to another tube with another one of you inside. 

Amongst the ten tubes, three of them couldn't hold their weight. You included. Seven of them stood on their feet, some more easily than others. The two others that fell died on impact, their bodies not able to withhold the transfer from the warm liquid to the crisp air. 

Human (BNHA x Experiment Reader)Where stories live. Discover now