And with this massive feeling of death that filled the alleyway... it was obvious what would probably happen next to the boy below him. When the boy hissed in another pained breath, Damian took that moment to hop down next to the teenager while ending in a crouch. "Who are you?" the youngest Robin growled out causing the boy in front of him to jump in surprise.

A wave of pain crashed through the injured teen and he let out a long groan until it subsided. Lazarus green eyes looked at Robin with guarded fear before relaxing a small bit when he seemed to recognize the hero uniform Damian wore. "Geez, dude... you almost scared me all the way to death..." the teen said before wincing when his chuckles did more harm than good. "I would ask who you are... but I think that is kind of obvious."

Damian arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Instead, he took the moment to assess the other child's injuries, and needless to say, it wasn't looking good. Even if, he managed to get the boy to a place to treat him, the odds he would die en route were too high.

The teen fought back another chuckle at Robin's stiff expression. "Danny Phantom... Danny or Phantom is fine. Thankfully, your presence already answers my next question..." His need to completely hide his identity was lost about half a year ago. The glow of the teen diminished even further as he was sent into a terrible coughing fit. When he recovered, he eyed the young vigilante with a small pained smile. "I'm in Gotham, right?"

"Yes, why are you here..?" Damian asked before dropping from his crouched position to sit across from Danny. Making sure to give the hurt teen some space because there was one other thing that was strong other than the feeling of death.

It was fear.

And this kid was terrified if the ambient aura was anything to go off of.

Though despite it, Danny was doing a good job of not showing it on his face. The white-haired teen looked at him curiously before shrugging it off. "Honestly? I'm not entirely sure how I even got here..." A sad look overtook the brief brightness in his eyes and Damian knew there was a story there but Danny didn't seem to want to elaborate. "The whole journey to this point was a blur... I just had to... get away..." Another horrible coughing fit cut the teen off and Robin quickly closed the gap between them to catch him from falling over. Only to jump back to give Danny space again when the fit abated.

Danny arched his brow curiously at how Robin (who was known for being unnecessarily violent and seemed to lack in noticing certain social cues) seemed to be treating him as if he was some injured stray cat that he had found in the alley and was trying to coax out.

It was slightly demeaning considering how strong he normally was... but also a little amusing.

"Well, it looks like you succeeded. I didn't find any signs of an assailant nearby." The teen nodded his head at what Robin said and seemed to relax a little more. "So... what kind of meta are you?"

This got a bark of laughter out of Danny that he immediately regretted as he clutched his sides harder in pain. "Oh, I'm not a meta though," he stated with a mischievous smirk once the pain calmed back down to a more tolerable level.

"How are you not...?" Robin cocked his head at Danny in confusion while gesturing wildly to the boy's body in front of him. "You glow and are bleeding green stuff!"

Danny was having a hard time not laughing again and he felt as though Robin was going to put him fully in the grave at this rate because of how much he kept aggravating his wounds. "Simple. I'm a ghost."

Damian's eyes widened in shock for a good moment before a myriad of emotions flitted across the 11-year-old's face before it settled on a look of uncomfortable concern. "I believe that to be partially true... However, with the massive aura of Death that is coming off of you, I'm more surprised that you are still here at all."

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