Sophmore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year

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Bugz was mindlessly fiddling with his long gray bunny ears. Having just finished his chemistry finals, he took a deep breath and got up from his chair. As he was leaving the building he had a feeling of relief wash over him. He spent just over 5 months prepping for this exam, now he won't have to worry about school for the next few months. He slowly slumped over to his university's bus stop. So exhausted he nearly fell off the bench while attempting to sit down. He probably wouldn't have noticed the bus arrived at his stop if he didn't see the big "Yale", written on the side of it. He remembered all the countless nights he spent staying up during high school to get in, and wondered if the all the countless nights he spent staying up during university was worth it. He pretty much just finished his first year, and he wasn't anticipating the future sophomore slump he'll be experiencing. However that isnt important now, his father paid a lot of money for this school and he wouldn't be pleased if he switched the major his father chose for him or god forbid drop out.

he arrived at his dorm. He spots the sink, completely filled with plates and silverware. Next to it was counters filled with anything and everything useless. After stepping over the mountains of dirty clothes he finally see's the blue bean bag chair in the corner of his room that's next to his dresser. He reaches into his dresser and pulls out a little sandwich baggy filled with white powder. Although Bugz was a little embarrassed of his habit, he needed it for his insomnia. He could quit whenever he wanted to, so what's the harm, right? He grabs his credit card and pushes the powder in a line on his desk and snorts it. soon, he's in a deep sleep.

Bugz woke up to his phone buzzing, which was definitely something he wasn't used too. Although he wasn't the most unpopular kid in high school, university seemed to be a different story. As he looked at the called ID a wave of memories flooded into his brain. It was his high school best friend, Lebron James. He smiles at all the memory's of him, them on the bowling team, them during their class trip to a local museum, all the slumber parties. he immediately pressed accept.


Better Off As Lovers [Bugz Bunny x Lebron James]Where stories live. Discover now