chapter1: Transformation.

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I'm not making a bio and whatever you look like whatever the hell you want just with brown hair and brown eyes.

Y/n p.o.v

Y'know my entire life I was taught to be fearful of the things that go bump in the night.

My parents however killed these monsters for living and got paid quite a bit of cash for each one they killed. Sometimes they'd sell the corpses to the black market sometimes they didn't.

I let out a sigh as I stood in a graveyard staring at a tombstone, it was my grandfather's who died in a sudden attack by a devil nicknamed the gun devil.

A snarl caught my attention and I saw two small devils fighting. They both looked really similar except one was orange and had a chainsaw sticking out it's head and the other was gray and had a spiked chain coming out it's forehead and wrapped around it's neck and a tail made from chains.

They were letting out slight snarls and circling eachother bearing their fangs.

The gray one with the chains bit into the orange ones side and shook him before throwing him to the ground intent on finishing it off only for a chainsaw blade to go through it's stomach and turning on shredding up it's insides.

The blade was ripped out and the orange devil stared at it's downed Opponent that glared up at it.

The chainsaw devil started to limp away but not after drinking some of the gray ones blood.

The chains of the gray one thrashed around as it's eyes flicked to look at me while it opened its mouth in a snarl. I took a step back as my heart pounded in it's chest while it stood up.

Confusion filled me as it stabbed its chains into the ground and a screech reached my ears coming from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and my eyes widened to see a devil reminiscent of a wendigo with matted blood stained fur, a malnourished body with ribs penetrating it's fur.

Piercing its body were chains that were coming out the ground before its body broke apart and turned into dust being scattered in the wind. The chains disappeared back into the ground and I looked back at the gray chain devil who fell onto its side breathing heavily with blood dripping out its mouth.

I was stunned to see how it saved me a human, it didn't seem too bad for a devil, I heard that some made contracts with others. Maybe if I help it I could get it's protection.

Steeling my nerves and swallowing nervously I stepped forward to the devil and pulled my pants leg up.

The devil looked at it and then up at me.

Y/n: H-Here. . .for saving me. . .you can have my blood. I know you don't want to die. . .so. . .drink and heal your wounds.

The chain devil pushed itself to its feet and opened its mouth biting down on my calf causing a pained whimper to leave my mouth as I fought back tears.

The cold air made contact with my leg as the chain devil drank my blood. After a moment it stopped and I pulled my pant leg down covering the wound.

Y/n: Go home ok? I'm confident you don't really need to kill people to live.

I walked away when I heard my voice being called. I followed the source and found my parents with stern expressions on their faces.

Mama: Y/n what did I tell you about running off here? I know you miss your grandpa but you can't be pulling these stunts.

Papa: She's right, what if a devil found you?

A bashful laugh left my mouth as I rubbed my head nervously looking at the ground trying to ignore their eyes which I felt burning a hole into my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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