*Home Sweet Unknown*

Start from the beginning

I'm going back. Elizabeth yells as she runs into Scoops.

Okay so The week is long the black cat drinks when the yellow meets yellow in the north. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread light? Elizabeth asks.

No no no. This word is синий. That means Blue. She points to the first yellow. This word north? its запад. Its West. Elizabeth corrects the girl. And Black? It is серебро, Silver. And кормит its feeds. Now its okay.

Okay now what dose this code even mean? Elizabeth asks.

I don't know. Robin responded.

There's a knock on the back door. Robin answers it. She notices the word Lynx. A type of cat.

Shit! It makes sense! Elizabeth exclaims as Robin and her walk out of Scoops.

Steve and Dustin walk in bickering about the 'Russian'.

A trip to China sounds nice. Elizabeth repeated as she pointed to Imperial Panda. 

If you tread lightly. Robin says as she points to Kaufman Shoes.

When, when blue and yellow meet in the west. Elizabeth repeated as she points to the big clock with blue and yellow hands.

What are you two doing? Steve asks.

We cracked it. Elizabeth says.

Cracked what? Steve asked.

We cracked the code. Elizabeth and Robin say together.


Steve it's cold! Elizabeth yell's.

Hold on. Steve says.

Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes. Robin reminds.

Elizabeth hated the noise. So loud. She loves thunderstorms but right now, she was scared she hated the loud noise when she was outside. Her hearing went out as she put some noise canceling headphones on that she had in her backpack, she had to bring it anyway. It was full of weapon and lighters with matches. She slouched down in her place in the middle of Robin and Steve.

You good? Dustin asks to Elizabeth but she can't hear him.

She is Taking a hearing brake. Steve responded to the boy.

Oh. Okay. Dustin says.

Hey. Whats in there? Robin asks.

It's just more boxes. Dustin replied.

The two boys start to fight over the binoculars.

Duck! Dustin yells.

Steve grabs Elizabeth's hand, he holds hers and also Elizabeth holds onto Robins.

Elizabeth drops their hands.


Next day.

Steve, Elizabeth, Robin and Dustin all are in the back room. 

Dustin pacing back and forth explaining what he saw.

But there's got to be a way in. Robin says.

Well you know.... I could just take them out. Steve says in a brave voice.

Take who out? Robin asks.

The Russian guard. 

Steve seriously. You couldn't even win a fight to my brother. You really think you can beat a tough trained Russian guard? Elizabeth asks.

Hey, that hurt. Steve said coldly.

I'm just thinking realistically. Elizabeth explains.

Robin runs off with some money from the tip jar. And says she's gonna go find a safe way into that place.


It is fascinating what you can get at the country recorders office for $20.

Starcourt Mall. The complete blue prints. Robin explains.

Not bad. Dustin says to Robin.

So this us, Scoops, and this is where we want to get. Robin says.

I mean, I don't really see another way in. Steve says.

There's not. If you're talking exclusively about doors. Robin says.

Air ducts. Elizabeth says.

Exactly. Turns out, this secret room needs air. Just like any old room. And these air ducts lead all the way..........here.

Steve unscrews the vent. And fight about getting into the vent.

Erica chimes in. Elizabeth wasn't listening to the conversation. Erica conned the teens into free ice cream for life. 


Other Home. Not my home.

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