Chapter 10: Academics part 1

Start from the beginning

"What's?!" They all shouted.

"Ya, but it was the only way that my house wasn't gonna burn down. Let just say don't tell villains what to do, otherwise you'll be at war." You say leaning up against the wall.

"Oof!" A sound from behind you.

"Shut up would ya." Came another.

"What was that?" Ava asked.

You turned your head and looked at your backpack. Surely the noise could come from there. You lean forward and take it off before setting it on a table. You open it and your eyes wided a bit at what was inside. Your friends gather around and give you a strange look.

"Y/n, did you bring hamsters?" Emma questioned.

Inside your backpack were small pink and blue hamsters standing on your notebook. You rolled your eyes, you could tell immediately who they were.

"How did you guys get here?" You questioned.

"H..Hades told us c..come" panic said.

Your friends gasp as they hear the blue one talk.

"He said to watch over you." Pain added.

"Of course, they can't leave me in peace for 5 minutes." You mumble.

"Hay! It wasn't your idea." Pain complained.

"Y/n who are they, and why are they speaking?" Aurora questioned.

"Guys this is pain and panic." You point to each one "pain, panic, these are my friends Ava, April, and Emma."

"You guys aren't the ones that picked on y/n are you?" Pain questioned putting his small hamster arms on his hip.

"Hell no!" Ava said.

"What would you ever ask that?" Emma questioned.

"Well it's just y/n came-" you immediately zip up your bag and the bell rang.

"Well would you look at that, time for class. Alright I'll text you guys later!" You say before rushing over to the classroom. You head to the other side of the build and climb the stairs to the second floor. You head to your first class, physics. The one class you absolutely hated. At Least you had it with Deeno.

"Hay deeno" you said sitting down next to her.

"Hey y/n, how's it going?" She asked.

"Eh, same old same old." You say not really sure how to respond. You hadn't told anyone other than Ava, April, and Emma about what had been going on at your house.

"Guess what, I'm going to Disney over February break!" She announced enthusiastically.

"Sweet! If you need any tips you know who to text." You say with a smirk.

"Show off." She teased before opening her Chromebook. "Shall we do today's wordle?"

"Sure, just let me get my chromebook." You open your bag and forget about pain and panic. You give them a stair making them shut up. You lean in and whisper "I'll let you both out at lunch" as you grab your chromebook and notebook before zipping it back up.

You set them on your desk and open wordle. You were about to type your first guess when Mr Labmah decided to start class.

"Alright everyone, we're going to go over the test you all took last academic week." He said as he passed the test back.
You closed wordle and opened your notebook ready to take note. Like always you barely understood he said. Not to mention the math involved was in word problems, which you were never the best with.

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