Alec went to the office where his sister was. He began by giving her new clothes so that she could change. When she had finished changing, she broke the silence by asking Alec if he had heard from Jace, Abby or Clary. He sat down. You could see by his dark circles that he hadn't slept for several days. He explained to her, avoiding eye contact with his sister, that, through Abbigael, he knew that Jace was fine. He didn't really know where Clary was, so to reassure his sister, he lied to her and told her that she was at the restaurant with Luke. Abbigael was with Jace and refused to return the cup to them untils he had found her mother. Isabelle, being locked up in this office until the end of her judgment, asked her older brother to go to Magnus and ask him for her to come and defend her. He promised his sister to bring Magnus.

Alec decided to go to Magnus to ask him in person to do him this service. The closer he got to his apartment, the more he slowed down. He stood in front of Magnus's door for a few minutes before finally knocking on the door. The door opened and Alec glimpsed a blue mist around it, he guessed that Magnus must have opened the door magically. He advanced slowly through the apartment. He heard footsteps behind him and when he turned around, he saw Magnus. The second their eyes met, Magnus made a glass of alcohol appear in Alec's hands, he placed it on the first surface he found. Alec tried to breathe as calmly as possible, but being in the same room with Magnus didn't help. When his pulse was back down, he explained to Magnus that he was there because Isabelle wanted to have him as a person to defend her during her trial. While listening to Alec explain this to him, Magnus sat down on his small armchair, Alec noticed that he was wearing a small dark blue tunic that highlighted him.
"Nothing to do with me, it's for my little sister."Alec couldn't stand still without moving.
"Oh, you're telling me about your adorable little fiancée who arrested your sister for saving an innocent man from certain death."Magnus no longer looked at Alec in the same way as when they had met. "What can I do for you, Alexander?"He took his glass filled with alcohol and waited for an answer.
"It's stupid and I'm not even sure it's allowed by law," he finally ends up looking Magnus in the eye. "But my sister would like it to be you who defend her in front of the Enclave. And I promised him I'd come and ask you. Look, I know you don't necessarily want to do this and be in front of the Enclave, but I promised him, so I'll give you everything you want."
"A Shadowhunter can ask an obscure creature to defend him. Nothing in the law is marked in this regard, no Shadowhunter would think that one of their own would want an obscure creature to defend them. So the Enclave didn't bother to exclude us. So as you all say: "The law is the law. ""Magnus had taken a big voice to imitate the Shadowhunters and for a split second, Alec smiled. "So there's nothing stopping me from defending her, and you said I could have whatever I wanted."Magnus had a slight smile.
"Name him."Alec was finally going to find out what saving his sister would cost him.
"You."Magnus pointed at him.
"No," Alec began to breathe badly, "something else."
"What else is important to you? He came closer to him as he walked and drank his drink. What is important enough for you to make a real sacrifice to save your sister? Magnus let the suspense hang for a few seconds before saying: "Oh, I know, your bow and arrows. Do you prefer this option?"Alec finally agrees.

Michael suggested to his son to go train to be able to better see his evolution. So Jace took two bottles of water, one for himself and one for his father. Michael took gloves and Jace started punching in the gloves. Jace was finally starting to regain his strength. After only a few minutes, Jace already had his hair full of perspiration. He took off his t-shirt to be less hot and continued to train while explaining the last years of his life to his father whom he had finally found. Now that they were just the two of them, Michael didn't hold back from asking Jace why he had let himself be fooled.
"She only wants my good, and she's right, my parabatai bond with Alec is weak."While saying this, he touched his parabatai rune.
"Why is that, he is your parabatai, you should be with him?"Michael asked.
"We had a fight, it happens to everyone. Abby and Alec don't really get along and all she wants is to find her mother."
"And what tells you that she doesn't use you to see her mother again?"Michael worried.
"It was me and no one else who promised to help her find her mother."
"Listen son, I've seen the way you look at her, at the Shadowhunters, when you find someone, it's for life."
Neither Michael nor Jace continued, interrupted by Abbigael.

Abbigael and his father arrived at a large disinfected hospital. Through the windows they could see round gleams, probably demons that Valentine had put in protection. There was no one to see. The journey had been silent; neither Abbigael nor Luke had spoken. Luke knew that his daughter had something on her mind and wanted to give her time to talk. It was always like that when she had to tell him something; he felt it and gave her the time she needed. They stopped in front of bushes in front of the hospital to avoid being spotted. Abby finally broke the silence :
"I read in the Codex that werewolves have a supernatural instinct."
"Yes," he turned his head to his daughter, who was smaller than him. "It is true that it is more developed than in other creatures.
"How do you differentiate your instinct from fear or desire?"
Abby finally looked her father in the eye. In her heart, she already knew the answer, but she hoped to be wrong this time.
"You know the answer, don't you?"he turned completely to his daughter and affectionately took her shoulders. "Partially, it comes with time, experience. But the biggest part of differentiating all these emotions is listening to yourself."He smiled at her, with the same doubts as her. "And if you don't like it, it's probably your instinct."
"You were close to Michael when you were still part of the Circle," Abby continued to scan the hospital, hoping to see or even catch a glimpse of her mother, "and can you be sure that she's okay?"
"He was quite reserved, liked to read. No one knows how it went with his wife. He's always been too shy with women."
"So, nothing to do with the man we have in front of us, and the man who raised Jace."
"Jace told you about his father, and well, I didn't realize that you were so close. You love him, don't you?"
"Why do you say that? He's not the first boy I've dated."
"Indeed, but you've never looked at someone like that, and if you want to know, he looks at you the same way."
"What can it do?"Abby looked away from her father. "He is only one boy among many others."
Luke looked at her, his eyes shining. He knew he was right. They decided to return to the Jade Wolf. Luke called someone he trusted the most among his wolves to come and fight with them. Abby went to the back of the restaurant to pick up Michael and Jace. Jace was shirtless and Michael was wearing big gloves; they were working out. The first thing Abbigael heard was Jace's laugh, followed by Michael's. "Sorry to interrupt you.""Oh no, it doesn't matter. Jace was telling me about you."Michael had a big smile on his face, happy to have found his son. "Nothing wrong, I hope," she smiled as well. "I did not raise my son to speak ill of a young woman." "I see that you have brought him up well. Hm, Luke and I didn't offer you anything to drink, so if you want, you can help yourself in the restaurant kitchen. I'm just going to grab my things and I'll meet you in the dining room."Michael left the room. Abby thought that Jace had also left the room, so she dropped her mask and took her things with a little sigh of exasperation. Jace came discreetly behind her, took her by the hips and whispered in her ear: "What was that? I could see that you raised him well," he said with a higher voice and small gestures.
"I don't talk like that," she replied, turning around, "and I just wanted to be nice, after all he's your father."
"And I, in two hours, he criticized the way I raised myself," Jace retorted.
"I criticize everyone, don't come to believe that he is unique," she added, but Abby didn't have time to finish her sentence when Michael entered the room.
"Ah, so that's what you do when your back is turned," Michael joked with a chuckle before leaving the room.
Jace and Abby followed him and the four of them decided to create a plan before heading to Renwick.

Shadowhunter: Two twins: A new world حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن