✯ 2 ✯ Elementary

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"Really?" he asked, excitedly.

"Mhm! If you want to," I smiled.

"Yes! I'm Midoriya, Izuku!" he replied happily.

"So what do you want to play?" I asked.

"Hmmm, how about-" Midoriya began.

We were interrupted by some snickering as some kids came up to us. In front of the group was a familiar spiky blond-haired, red-eyed, boy. There were two boys next to Bakugou as well. The first was a rather rotund boy with small wings sprouting from his back, while the other had long hair. There wasn't much to note about the two as they were rather plain.

"You should tell her the truth first, Deku. I'm sure she wouldn't want to play with a quirkless loser like you," Bakugou laughed.

As Bakugou's friends laughed and Midoriya hung his head. His face flushed in embarrassment as he looked at his desk.

"And? What's wrong with being quirkless?" I glared.

Bakugou and his friends stopped laughing as they looked at me. The way they looked at me made it look like I grew a second head...wait, that'd be relatively normal here. It was like...I'd just said All Might was the worst hero. Yeah, that's it.

"What do you mean? He has no quirk! He's a loser!" Bakugou argued.

"That doesn't mean he's a loser. You're the losers for picking on him for something so stupid," I argued.

Before Midoriya could say anything I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his seat.

"Come on Midoriya-kun, let's play!" I smiled.


•Izuku Midoriya•

As (S/N)-chan pulled me along to play heroes, while leaving Kacchan and his friends behind, I looked at her. She was the first to not care about me being quirkless and it was strange.

Not in a bad way!

I mean it made me feel...accepted. Or at least not isolated like the others made me feel.

Sure Kacchan let me follow him and his group around, but he had become really mean after getting his quirk.

At least I have one new friend, and I think one is all I need for now.


•(Y/N) (L/N)•

I may have underestimated how hard it actually was to play with kids. Okay, hard is the wrong term. It is difficult to pretend to be a kid while playing with kids. That and the fact of how imprecise these kids are! Their heroes and villain games were so weird and weirdly romance-driven. These kids shouldn't even know what romance is!

By the time school ended, which wasn't that long due to it only being elementary school, I was mentally exhausted.

I guess it showed how exhausted I was because Midoriya kept looking over at me as we exited the school.

"Are you okay?" Midoriya asked.

"I'm alright. I'm just tired," I replied.

"Really?" Midoriya asked.

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