Chapter 1- It Begins

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From the moment he was born, Orion was hated.

His father was a mentally unstable individual, and his mother wanted nothing to do with him.

At least, that's what he was told. He's never met either of them. All he knows is that he comes from a line of very tragic stories, and he's the most tragic.

When Orion was two years old, he was found by a nice man by the name of Adam. He was an injured soul, only put on the ship for one purpose- to care for the little one until he was old enough to be Emporer. For two years, that was what he did. He took care of the little one up until he was five. Then, one day, he was swept away. Orion doesn't remember what happened, He was just floating in space for a while, scared and alone. He entered Earth's atmosphere and crashed in Takashi Shirogane's backyard. 

You think he's saved.




No. that's not how life works, Little one.

You see, Takashi is married to a man by the name of Curtis Micheal. A man that, in public appearances, is in good graces. Wealthy, compassionate and loving. But in private, it's a different tale.

Takashi wasn't around to witness the abuse. Orion was made to sit in a coat closet for hours, only to leave when he needed food and water. Even then, he was made to get it himself. He would be punished if he had an accident, or got sick because he was malnourished or dehydrated. The punishments consisted of beatings with various objects, mostly shoes, wooden 2x4s, and sometimes glass bottles. 

He considered it a blessing to be hit by a hand. 

At the age of 10, Orion decides enough is enough.

He escapes the closet and runs out of the house in his pajamas, barefoot and hungry. He wanders around the desert for what seems like forever, until he sets off an alarm by accident- The Galaxy Garrison's security system. There, he's scooped up by security officers and hauled off to a prison cell. Takashi finds him there, shaking and crying, malnourished and skinny. There he finds out what happened. There he finally decides that it's time for things to end. 

Bailing Orion out of jail was the easy part. Curtis denied any charges of child abuse thrown his way. Insisting Orion did it to himself as a way to Self-Harm. Court is long and tough, and Orion is most often left at the Galaxy Garrison junior program. Here is where he meets Taylor McClain. Here is where our story finally begins.


It's really a regular day. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"I have to go to court today," Dad sighs. Well. I know what that means. 

Hurry up to my room and get on the uniform. It's stiff, and really, really ugly, but it's what I have to wear. I hate the color orange. It reminds me of prison. I hate it in that place. It's cold, smelly, and dark-

"Orion, come on, we have to go!" 

"Alright, coming!" 

Right. Dad's always in a hurry, 'cuz if he's even one minute late to court, Curtis'll use it as leverage.

We rush out to the car and Dad drops me off with Commander Ferdinand, who leads me into the classroom.

"We have a special new student today," She squealed. 

How is she always so chipper in the morning? "Oh, Cool." I mutter. Great. A new person she's going to force me to socialize with. Doesn't she get that I'm better off alone?

I set my bag down and I overhear some kids muttering about my ears again. Whatever. Same old routine. Except...

"I like your ears!" 


"I like your ears." A tall boy maybe a few inches higher than me points to my ears, then points to his. "We've got the same." He laughs. 

"Oh, yeah, I guess we do."

"I'm Taylor! But you can call me Leo."


"It's one of my middle names."

"One of them?"

"Wanna know my full name?"

I've never heard of someone with more than one middle name. "Sure."

"My name is Taylor Leonardo Luis Marco McClain-Kogane."

"Wow, your parents really couldn't decide on one?"

"Nah. My papa has a lot of siblings he promised to name me after."


"Anyways, what's your name?"

"What's mine?"

"Yeah! I told you mine. It's like an exchange."

"Oh... Full or my nickname?"

"Full first. Then Nickname."


I really hope he doesn't think it's weird. Though, he doesn't have much room to speak for a guy with six names.

"I'm Asmodeus Orion Agara III."


Great. he thinks it's weird.

"That's so cool!"


"You really think so?" I mutter. All my life I've been told my name sounds old. Never in my life has it been considered cool.

"Yeah! It's awesome! I've never heard someone called Asmodeus before."

"I like to be called Orion."

"Like the constellation?"

"Kinda. it's pronounced differently. Oh-ree-ahn."

"I see."

Commander Ferdinand calls us over. "I see you've already met each other."

"Oh. Is this the special new student?"

"Yes! This is Prince Taylor of Altea!"

"Prince? You never told me that."

Leo blushed. "I don't like to tell people about it... I don't want them to feel like I'm better than them."

I nod. "Ah... Yeah, I get it." I smile. "Don't worry. I'm still definintely better than you."

"Oh really?"

Commander Ferdinand clears her throat. "Okay, boys, no need to-"

"Yes really!"

"I bet I'm faster than you."

"Oh yeah? Race me!!!"

The rest of the day, me and Leo played together, competing to be the best. I can't recall if we ever came to a conclusion of who won. When it came time for Leo to leave, I was devastated.

"You'll come back tomorrow, right?"

"I dunno... My parents are really busy back at home... Since I'm 11, I gotta help out."

"Chores are gross." 

"Not so much with chores..." He pursed his lips. His face lights up with an idea. He slips a ring off of his finger and puts it on mine. "There! Now you'll have something to remember your rival by!" He beamed before turning away and meeting his parents. I fidgeted with that ring until Dad picked me up.

"Hey, kiddo. What's that?" He pointed to the sapphire ring.

"My new friend," I smiled, standing up and holding his hand.

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