Late Night Bonding

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"You're kidding!"

"Nope. One of them was a Warlock, the other a Werewolf. And once that connection was established, he dug some more and he found a common denominator. One of the parents from both parties were experimenting with demon blood on themselves."

"Oh..." Was what all Clary said, before realizing her mother could have been the one doing the experiments. "-but our mother would never-"

"I didn't say it was Jocelyn." Kassidy cut her off and began elaborating on which 'parent' it was for them. "Valentine may hate us, but he does know of the powers we carry. He wanted to make himself stronger. What must have happened is he was experimenting on himself, and it couldn't have been more than an hour later when him and Jocelyn...ya know." She leaned against the headboard. "Then while we were in the womb, you must have absorbed all the angel blood leaving me to take the demon. Like I said, not as complicated as one might think."

"Wow. So what we were was not set in stone? I could have been the Warlock and you the Shadowhunter, that's...kinda interesting."

"It is. Our entire lives could have been flipped-flopped." As the warlock said those words, she just stared at her sister almost like it just occurred to her that she was bonding with the person she had been missing her whole life.

At the expression Kas gave Clary, she couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed. She had never seen someone gaze upon her with such adoration and sadness? "What?" Clary questioned. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong?"

"No!" Kassidy said quickly. "It's just...I missed you." A bitter smile appeared on her face accompanied with unwashed tears that sparkled in her eyes. "I really, really missed you."

That made the redhead's heart sink. If she was being honest with herself, that could have been the saddest thing she had ever heard. Quickly, she pulled Kas into a hug. The warlock froze, caught off guard by the hug, only to melt into it and nuzzle her face into her sister's shoulder.

"You don't have to anymore." Clary whispered into the hug, tears gathering in her eyes. "I promise. I'll never leave you again."


Clary has fallen asleep an hour or two ago, leaving Kassidy to her own devices. Kas wanted to sleep since it's been awhile since she got a good night's rest, but the adrenaline from the ambush mixed in with the greater demon still pumped in her veins.

Knowing she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, she decided to kill some time. Putting on something she didn't mind sweating in, Kassidy quietly left the room and headed down to the training areas. Picking up the kalis (fighting sticks), the warlock began going through the motions on the nearby punching bag.

After a half an hour, Kas felt a present in the room with her. "What?"

"Can we talk?" Jace took a step closer.

She paused her movements briefly. "No."

The shadowhunter walked towards her. "Kas, please."

When she didn't say anything, he knew one way that would get her to look at him. Kassidy went to strike the dummy again, but before it could make contact a different set of wooden sticks blocked the blow.

"Really?" Kas rose a brow.

Jace gave her an unapologetic shrug. "I got your attention, didn't it?" He then pushed her away from the bag and began striking her.

Kassidy followed the movements in suit. Up, down, left, right. The two moved in sync. After a few more beats, the warlock saw on opening, using the momentum of her opponent, she slid her kalis of his and spun around so the bag was in front of her. Using a tiny bit of her magic, she kicked the bag making it fly towards Jace, who ducked just in time before it could hit him.

The shadowhunter pointed one of his sticks towards her. "That wasn't fair."

"Life's not fair." Was all she said before rushing at him, bringing down both of her sticks harshly.

Expecting the attack, Jace brought his kails up in time to block. "Kas, I'm trying to apologize."

"And I'm trying to practice in peace." Kassidy said. "Guess we both can't get what we want."

Groaning, he pushed her away causing them to circle one another. "Why are you being stubborn?"

"Stubborn?" The warlock let out an unamused chuckle as she twirled the sticks in her hand. "If this is you apologizing, don't." She did a backbend to avoid the swipe from her boyfriend. Using it to his advantage, he did a low spin kick, sweeping her off her feet, landing on the ground with a huff.

When Kassidy didn't get up right away, Jace offered his hand to help her up, but she just glared up at him before swiping his legs out from under him. Once he hit the floor, she turned him onto his stomach and dug her knee into his back. After a few moments of struggle, the blonde shadowhunter let out a sigh before tapping the floor.

"I win." She commented before pushing herself up. Placing the kalis back onto the rack, she went to walk out only to stop, suddenly curious about something. "How'd you know I'd be awake?"

"Because you always have trouble sleeping after missions." Jace said it like it was common knowledge.

"Well...I guess you do know me." Kas crossed her arms over her chest, turning to look at him as she referenced the fight that happened at her apartment.

"Yeah, I do." He agreed with a sigh. "And I want to keep knowing you and I want to keep learning new things about you."

Finally deciding to hear him out, the warlock brought her chin up. "Continue."

"Baby, I'm sorry."


"For everything." The shadowhunter clarified. "I shouldn't have been the one to tell Clary about everything knowing how much it meant to you.

Kas licked her lips before popping them. "That was shitty of you."

"And you're not a coward or a liar. You're actually the most honest person I have ever met and I' idiot for forgetting that." He took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over them.

"What you did wasn't okay." Kassidy looked up at him through her lashes as her anger was slowly depleting.

"I know." Jace grimaced at the tone his girlfriend carried.

"It hurt."

"Tell me what I need to do to fix this, and I'll do it."

"I just need you to trust me." Was her answer. "Even if I do have secrets, because if I do then it's-it's a good reason. Okay, can you do that?"

"Yeah, I can do that." He nodded. "I trust you, with everything in me." Giving her a light peak on the lips, Jace pulled her into a hug.

"I hate fighting with you." Kas' voice was muffled since her face was pressed into his shirt.

Jace tucked her head under his chin. "I do too."


We finally got some sister bonding time! I had a lot of fun writing their little conversation. Did you guys like reading it? Cause I know Clary get's a really bad wrap in S1, especially in fanfic when she has a sister. But, I do think that her wanting to know more about her twin (that she didn't know existed till hours ago), is in character. Do you guys think so?

Also, do you think Kas forgave Jace too fast? I'm kinda on the fence about it, but I think it worked out. But, if you think it was to fast, bare-in-mind, Kassidy doesn't know half of what Jace said about her. She only knows what he said to her. Make sense?

Another thing, did the whole reason on how one's a warlock and the other's a shadowhunter make sense? Because I tried to make it not confusing and honestly, making up the reason was the first thing I did when I began thinking up Kas' character. Let me know if it was!

Anyways, make smart decisions!


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