iii-a mistake? (irl, call, insta)

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Julia woke up in a bed, beside her she can see Pedro is still sleeping, his hand still on her body.

did they fucked?

"Pedroo, Pedro, wake up!" She's trying to waking up him by shaking his hand. But, his hand just trying to hug her tight even more.

"Pedge! Wake up!" She's trying to resist his hug by shaking him even harder.

Pedro opened his eyes just to see Julia shaking his hand. "Oh, hello, buenas días, bonita." He said yawning and blinking a few times.

"P, did we fucked?" She said.

"What?" Pedro's a little confused, he's trying to digest the words.

"Did. We. Fucked?" She repeat it.

"Oh, no, no. We didn't. Why? You want it now?" Pedro said smirking then caressing her hand playfully, teasing her.

"Oh thank god." She said.


"No, no. I mean not now."

"Okay, when?"

"I—P!" She smacked his hand, "Ow! Okay, okay, I'm kidding." He laughs.

"So, what happened? I mean, we danced, make out and all, but how did we ended up here?" She said to Pedro, Pedro is not wearing a shirt but still wearing his pants sam as Julia.

"Well, Sa—"

"Ah, good, the kids are already wake up!" Suddenly Sarah and Hollan entered the room, making Julia taking the sheets of the blanket up to her chest.

"Oh, jesus. You scared me!" Julia said.

"Oh yeah? Y'all scared our guests last night! What the fuck were you doing stripping y'all clothes off in the living room full of people! Jesus!"


"Excuse me?" Julia then said looking at Sarah and then Pedro who is smiling showing his teeth.

"Nico and Lucas bring you two here you guys ended up playing Monopoly all night long drinking, laughing, crying! I mean, you, and YOU are adults! Control yourself, jesus. I don't care if y'all want to fuck your brains out but not in my living room, for god's sake!"

"Yes, sorry, mommy." Pedro said pouting his lips.

Is he still drunk?

"Oh, don't be too hard on them, Sarah." Holland said smiling to Pedro and Julia.

Sarah sighs and looked around the room, "Get a shower, put on your clothes, breakfast will ready in 15 minutes, We'll be waiting for you both." Sarah then said to them.

Julia and Pedro nodded like children saying yes to their mama. Holland smiles at them.

"I'm sorry Sarah and Holland and Thank you!" Julia said before them leaving the room.

Julia holding her head because her head ache, hell, she drank a lot last night, she can't fucking remember clearly.

"I wouldn't you know." Pedro then said to her making her head turn.

"I'm sorry?"

"I wouldn't do anything to you against your consent. If we wanna make love I have to make sure you are sober and really want it." He explained.

Goodgod, this man.

"Aw, P. Thank you," She said holding her chest and then caressing his face, his cheeks, study his beautiful features.

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