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"My mommy looks just like you," the little girl said just as Sunny helped her lie down. A subtle smile appeared on Sunny's lips. "She's very beautiful, just like you."

"I'll come after two hours to give you your meds... Till then rest and please oh please don't ring the bell again.. there's no monster under your bed, certainly not here in the hospital," sunny said and the little girl nodded.

sunny chuckled before lightly tapping her head..

"Goodnight," sunny whispered before walking out of the hospital room..

A small yawn left her lips, and she felt her eyes close for a second

It was currently 1am in the morning.. Sunny's still thinking why in the world she agreed to do a night shift..

"Try not to fall" Judy, her co- worker, said chuckling in the process

"No promises," sunny replied, leaning against the wall... She looked at her friend and a sad smile fell on her lips..

Judy was all dressed up, ready to go home, while she was gonna be here all throughout. She wouldn't be able to leave until six.. so five more hours to go..

"I love you, but while you'll be home all day tomorrow, I'd be here. " Judy leaned towards sunny and placed a peck on her cheeks before walking away..

"Look alive, Sunny" sunny said before slightly tapping her cheeks.. she ran her hand through her hair and slowly walked towards the receptionist...

Another yawn left her lips and just as she passed by a room, a hand suddenly grabbed her.. One hand held her hand while another hand wrapped around her mouth.

Surprise filled Sunny's eyes as they grew wide. She momentarily ceased to breathe. For a moment she thought maybe she had fallen asleep, and this was just a bad dream..

She tried to scream, but it only came out muffled..

Instead of alleviating her fear, the unknown voice's warning made it even worse, implying that any noise would be her last. And now she was a trembling mess in the hands of the unknown man..

The gruff, deep voice made her eyes grow wider...

"I'll free you now.. just assure me you won't scream," the man said. Sunny was quick to nod. She didn't care.. this man had to be shitting himself if he thinks she'll listen to him...

The moment she felt his grip loosen, she rapidly pivoted and struck him in a sensitive area.

"Fanculo," her attacker grunted, crouching down.. she spun to the door only to be faced with the barrel of a gun.. ("fuck")

A loud gasp escaped her..

"Puttana del cazzo," the man behind her groaned, still clutching his bruised spot.. (fucking bitch)

"Tsk, I wouldn't do that"she turned to her side to see a man sitting on one chair in the room..

At that precise moment, she noticed the wounded man on the bed, who was unconscious. Sure she had seen a lot of blood, but this still managed to make her body shake in fear..

"I wouldn't want to hurt you, considering you're the only one that could help me at this moment.," he stood up and stalked towards her..

the closer he got, the farther she stepped back.. until her back came in contact with the icy surface of the wall..

"So let's help each other here.." he glanced at her name tag.. "sunny" her named rolled off his tongue and her body reacted in a way it was not supposed to, atleast not in a time like this.. "you help me clean him up, and I'll make sure none of my men put a bullet through your head"

"Deal.. done deal.. I'll just get a doctor" she turned again towards the door but the gun remained pointed at her

"Stich him up and you'll be done," the man who seemed to be in charge spoke again..

"I'm not a doctor.. I'm a nurse, I can't do things like that, I can only administer drugs and check pulse..." she said staring straight at his face

"I don't care.. fix him up.. " he was slowly losing his temper..

"You're not listening to me," she said, glancing at the door any second she could get.. someone please come in.. she silently prayed

"And you're not listening.. I could easily shoot you and find someone else's for the job, now fucking do it.." he snarled.. sunny could basically feel the anger radiating off him, so she didn't argue anymore..

She slowly walked towards the body on the bed and began performing what she learnt in medical school

From cleaning the effective area to removing the bullet from his body.. luckily it wasn't in too deep, otherwise it would have been impossible for her to do it without performing a surgery..

Just about an hour later, she was done..

"Good as new.." she glanced at the man and back at the body. "well not exactly. "

"So he's okay now?" The man asked again. The three men were staring at her.. the one with the gun, the one that dragged her in and the man in charge.

"For now.. when he wakes up he's going to be in severe pain.." she said and the man in charge turned to look at the other two "we have to keep him here, we can give him painkillers to ease the pain.. and I'll have to change his bandages to avoid infection"

At this point sunny was only trying to keep him here atleast long enough to get a hold of the police.

"So we need supplies and someone to take care of him?" Sunny nodded and a ghost smile appeared on her lips.. just stay a little longer.. she prayed

"Fine, then.."

A soft sigh left her lips, and before she knew it, she fell limp on the floor.

Lussuria (Under Serious Editing)Where stories live. Discover now