One of those days

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Do you know the feeling when you wake up in the morning and you just want the world to disappear and go back to sleep? Because same. I have no energy whatsoever and I just wanna sleep all day, but I can't. The boys have a show here in Paris tonight and I have to get them ready four hours before the show, because they have VIP at 5:30pm.

Maybe I can hide in here until then and just watch Greys Anatomy? But first I need coffee and some breakfast! I get up and put on sweatpants, a hoodie and fuzzy socks, I put my hair up in a messy bun. I take my phone from my nightstand to look at the time; 10:23am. A part of me is hoping the boys aint here. I go downstairs to get my coffee and food. There's only Tommy and Marcus here. I go by the kitchenette and start making my breakfast.

"Good morning Dani!" Tommy says, with a happy voice. I can feel him looking at me.

"Morning." I mumble, not looking at him.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks. I just shrug my shoulders. It might be rude to not even look at him, but I'm just really tired and in a bad kinda mood. "Are you okay, Dani?" He asks, sounding a bit worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, looking at him with a quick smile, before going to my room. I get comfortable in my bed and put on Grey's Anatomy. Was I too rude? Nah it's probably fine.

I didn't realize I fell asleep until I hear a knock on my door. Go away... The person knocks again, so I mumble 'what', as I slowly open my eyes. Another knock.

"Whaaat?" I groan, with a tired and annoyed voice. Andy opens the door.

"Morning sunshine." He laughs. I groan as I sit up.

"Morning. What's up?" I yarn.

"I just wanted to check up on you. We haven't seen you all day." He says, with a warm smile.

"It's just one of those days, you know? No energy and a weird mood." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Did something happen?" He asks, a bit worried.

"Nah, woke up feeling meh." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "I just wanted some alone time, but apparently I fell asleep. I didn't want my bad mood to affect you all." I continue.

"Partying a little too hard last night?" He laughs.

"Could be. I haven't been out clubbing in ages." I say, as I swing my legs over the edge of the bed. "What's the time?" I ask, looking for my phone.

"2:15pm, which means it's time for me to crush you in fifa! Come on!" He says, with a smile.

"You wish!" I smile, as I get up and we go out to the lounge where Tommy is watching Clem and Marcus playing fifa.

"Hand me the controller, Mac!" Andy says, as he sits down next to Marcus and I sit down between Andy and Clem. I feel kinda bad for Marcus, he never gets to finish a game with Clem.

Andy takes Marcus' controller and I just take Clems' controller right out of his hands.

"Hey! I was in the middle of something!" He objects, offended. I can't help but to laugh.

"Sorry ClemBear, but I'm about to crush Andy's ego!" I laugh.

"ClemBear? What the fuck?" He laughs. I shrug my shoulders, laughing and Andy get the game ready.

"Are you ready to lose, Dani?" Andy says, confidently.

"I like your confidence! Let's see if you end up like Clem!" I say, leaning back.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU! I am undefeated!" I say, after scoring the last goal.

"All in favor of banning Dani from fifa?" Andy exclaims, putting his hand up in the air. Clem puts his hand in the air too. Dude! I thought we were friends!?

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