"What do you want to know?"

Start from the beginning

"I took a look at your file that Officer Price left".

I feel my stomach sink a little wondering what's in the file.

"If there's anything you ever want to talk about we can do so now or later".

That's not mysterious at all, note the sarcasm. I wonder what Patrick put in the file, I gulp, destroying my brain with any and everything. I shake my head as he peers from over the paper and sets it down.

"I called you in here to talk about last night".

I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that.

"Oh". Was all I could say. As of recently I have been out of words to say, which really ticks me off.

"One of the rules I stated when you first came was no fighting. Which means physical or any arguments". He frowns which makes me frown.

"I'm sorry" I lowly apologize. "I didn't mean to cause a scene. I just-". I take a pause. I've been doing a lot of those as of late too. "He said some things that really ticked me off and I-" I get cut off and I'm thankful because if I would have kept going I would have rambled on too long and let out too much. I take a much needed breath. "No need to apologize. I understand what he said made you angry". I'm now definitely concerned at what Patrick put in that file. Or maybe he's bluffing and he's just being kind. Either way, I'm gonna go with it. I put my head down for a moment before he starts talking again.

"Yesterday when you came in I mentioned that everyone has phones and that you'd get one pretty soon. So here". He hands me a large sized android phone in a box and I give him a smile of gratitude. "Also I've already enrolled you into Green Bark's High, you'll be starting in 2 days. So today, Six and Remy will take you to the mall and get whatever you like". I frown at the thought of going to school so soon but I continue to listen. "You have a budget of 600 dollars, not including school supplies. Make sure to get enough clothes and shoes but if you have extra feel free to spend it on anything you want"

My eyebrows shoot up at the new information. That seems like all too much. I don't wanna be too greedy. "Are you sure"? I asked him, concerned about the money. "Yep! Don't worry about it kid". He says and gives me his signature comforting smile. He dismisses me for breakfast and I start to feel extremely guilty. I sit down in the seat I sat the previous night, next to Remy, and realize that everyone's already eating. I slowly make my plate avoiding eye contact with anyone. I make a small plate and put it down. I'm not a breakfast person, or a food person for that matter. I take a small bit out of my toast before I start getting questioned.

"So, where'd you go this morning"? Pierce asks while eating and staring at me.

"Nowhere really I just- couldn't sleep".

"Why did Tyler call you to his office"?

"He gave me a phone and we talked".

"Talked? that's it"?

"Yep" I say and take another small bite of toast and pretend to keep chewing so no one asks me anything else.

There's an awkward silence before another question gets shot at me.

"So, Where did you come from Kade"? I hear the question and turn my head to six looking at me. I look around and everyone's looking at me, expecting me to answer.

"A small town named Onancock, Virginia" I quickly said without realizing who I was in the room with. I take a quick glance at Pierce and Cameron staring at me, or what feels like more through my soul than anything. They take a quick glance at each other and then look back at me.

"That's interesting, that's where Cameron and Pierce grew up too! Maybe you have met them before". Remy chimes in.

"I-i-uh no probably not" I not so confidently add.

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