Panic attack (jasco)

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It's been a long day of lessons. Bosco was in her apartment studying. She had her headphones in trying to block out her neighbor who clearly liked talking on the phone very loudly. It didn't help that the walls were paper thin.

This neighbor seemed to really like talking. In her apartment, in the elevator, pretty much everywhere. Bosco found it annoying but also pretty cute.

Bosco could feel the heaviness in her chest starting to build up. Oh god it was happening again. She tried to ignore it and focus on the music in her ears. It didn't help much. Tears started to stream down her cheeks. She felt like she couldn't breath. This had never happened since she moved out. She didn't know what to do. She had no friends to call. Nobody could help her. She curled up in her bed rocking back and forth trying to block out her thoughts. They were telling her she wasn't good enough, that she should be more like her sister. Her breathing kept getting heavier and heavier.

Meanwhile down in Jasmines apartment she had just hung up the phone. She was talking to her big sister Daya who wanted to make sure she was doing okay. Obviously that turned into a fight but they sorted it out pretty quickly.

She went down to pick up the mail and realized she had gotten her neighbors letter. Normally she would just put it in the other mailbox but since it was only the apartment on top of hers she decided to deliver it to her.

Jasmine knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. She knocked on the door one more time and this time it opened.

-"hi I'm Jasmine your neighbor. Your mail accidentally got into my mailbox and..." Jasmine started talking and then she looked up and realized her neighbor was crying.
-"are you okay?" Jasmine said softly.
-"uhm... n-no" Bosco said. Jasmine held out her arm when she saw how lightheaded the girl in front of her really was. Bosco immediately fell onto Jasmines arm in tears. The heavy feeling over her chest still there. Jasmine led Bosco into the apartment again. They sat down on the floor. Jasmine knew exactly what to do since her sister also suffered from panic attacks.

-"ok I want you to tell me five things you can see right now" Jasmine said calmly trying to create a safe environment for Bosco.
-"u-uhm a p-plant, the mirror, shoes, z-zebra print and your Pearl necklace" Bosco's voice was shaky. Jasmine could see how her breathing became more and more calm but she still couldn't leave her like this.
-"great now tell me three things you feel" Jasmine kept smiling and grabbed Boscos hands. She rubbed her thumb gently on the top of her hand.
-"tears on my cheeks, my clothes on my skin and you soft hands" Bosco's voice wasn't as shaky anymore but Jasmine still didn't want to leave her. She knew how hard it could be to recover from a panic attack.
-" your doing so great sweetie, can you tell me one thing you taste?" Jasmine was still holding Boscos hands in hers.
-"salt" Bosco said. She let her head fall down on jasmines shoulder. Jasmine didn't mind at all.

The panic attack was practically over now. Bosco looked up again.
-"I am so sor-"
-"don't be sorry, it happens, I'm just happy I could help you through it" Jasmine cupped Boscos fave in her hands as she cut her off. Bosco dropped her head one more time. She was exhausted. Jasmine lifted her up wich made Bosco squeal in surprise. She moved them to the couch and she laid Bosco down.

-"I still don't want to leave you" she said looking at Bosco. Bosco smirked.
-"then don't" she said and opened her arm as a signal for Jasmine to lay down. Jasmine laid down next to Bosco and giggled a bit. Bosco quickly wrapped her arms around Jasmines waist. Jasmine didn't really mind. She felt small butterflies in her stomach and she smiled. She turned to face Bosco just to make sure she was okay. Bosco laid there. Looking into Jasmines eyes. She smiled a little until she said.
-"you wanna know one more thing I see?"
Jasmine nodded laughing a little.
-"your beautiful eyes" Bosco then said tucking a piece of Jasmines blond hair behind her ear. Jasmines heart melted and she tried to hide her blushing face in the pillow. Bosco took her hand and pushed jasmines head down on her own chest.

"Maybe her loud phone calls wasn't so bad after all" Bosco thought before falling asleep, still with Jasmine in her arms.



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