Chicken nuggies

502 12 11

Darius added eber to the chat

Darius: hi eber

Eber: hwello

Raine: hi eber

Eber: hjki

Eber: rwaine cwan you get mwe cjiken niuggeos

Raine: Darius should I

Darius: no remember what happened last time we gave eber chicken nuggets

Rane: you're right

Eber: aww plrase

Luz: what happened last time

Darius: bad things

Luz: what bad things

Hunter: I wanna know too

Raine: last time he attacked all the coven heads and belos

Eber: I swaid sworry

Hunter: don't apologize belos and terra deserves it

Raine: yeah terra tried to kill me and eda when we were in hexside

Eda: yeah she's a bitch

Eber: cwan I plwease hsve chiken nuggues

Darius: absolutely not I'm not gonna beg the healing coven head to heal everyone again

Eber: I pwromis I won't hurt anuone

Raine: sorry eber you can't

Luz: I'll get you chicken nuggies

Eber: twank ypu

Raine: no luz please don't

Luz: but below needs to be beat up

Hunter: yeah he does

Raine: I agree but its not worth it

Luz: fiiiine

Luz: sorry

Raine: for what

Darius: eber is attacking belos

Raine: luz

Luz: sorry he really wanted chicken nuggies

Hunter: I'm on my way to record it

Luz: good

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