"A-Niang...how can you doubt Jiang Cheng...?"

"I doubt him because....he isn't going to be there...when you perish..."

"So I am going to die....is it the war?"

"No. I don't know when...nor the reasons as to why. But it will happen, and when it does we will come to get you. Don't doubt that. We will reach for you. Something is going to happen and i can't tell you what. And I'm sorry. But I must ask for you to please work on your temper, and to please try to not push anyone away. And apologize to Lan Wangji....because it was unnecessary to say what you did."

Wei Wuxian sighs and rubs his neck without a word. He merely gives him a slight nod, but then is snapped out of his thoughts as another voice speaks.

"I will agree with His Highness,"

He lifts his head as the silver butterfly that was encircling him lands on his head.


"You're an idiot, and his highness definitely won't tell you off in a more heavy manner. But cross his path in some unwanted ways and I can't save you from his wrath A-Ying. But he is correct. I gave you several warnings when I was training you. But it looks like you're only taking a small bit of what I told you to the forefront of your head. You need to keep your cool, and remain calm. But you seem to be doing the opposite. I'm pretty sure by now you're wondering of what is going to happen soon once the war is over. People will see you a bit as a hero, but it won't last and you don't need me to tell you that. Demonic Cultivation is frown upon by the cultivation world. There will be powers that will try to test you. If you lose your cool without any real good reasoning, you will fall into a fate of your own design that can lead to death. Whether you listen now or not doesn't matter, because I've already warned you. A-Ying, listen to our warnings before you really lose yourself. As for the boring one in white, I ask that you give him a chance as well,"

"Ngh....but why...? Do you want me to go back to Gusu with him? The Lans and their ancestors will just be frowning upon me the entire time, and it will be trouble for the both of us. There is no good reason to go there?"

"Did I say for you to go to Gusu?"

Hua Cheng's voice is filled with a chilling wave of ice as he speaks.


"Exactly. You don't have to go anywhere. I'm not saying you should, that's your choice. But I advise that you keep him close to you. As much as I don't like him for personal reasons, I have to agree that I don't trust anyone but him at this point in time. He appears to do things for you that others would not. He kept you as his first priority, something no one else was able to understand except maybe Jiang's kid to a degree. But this was different. Remember Wei Wuxian, there is a rumor that surrounds the Lan Clan. Their men are fairly loyal. You both went through life and death together, and those experiences have allowed for him to really see you for who you are. He respects you, so show some respect back to him."

Wei Wuxian folds his arms in a manner that appeared to be his way of pouting.

"You better uncross your damn arms young man."

Wei Wuxian unfolds his arms and sighs with a groan.

"As much of a man as you are now, you really are still a child."

Xie Lian sighs lightly, "I know this is all a bother to you at this time, but...I just don't want you to make my mistakes A-Ying.....I made the mistake of pushing others away when I needed them. I don't want you to follow down my path. I'd like to find a way to change your future...."

Wei Wuxian says nothing.

"For now I believe this discussion is over, so get some rest. You have a lot of trouble ahead of you to face."

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