8 beautiful

233 8 7

Your pov:

The others where playing a game I was just watching.

I saw Lucy she looked upset so I decided to go and talk to her.

"Hey lucy"
I said.

She didn't reply.

"I know your upset about the wardrobe thing"
I said

"And I know your siblings don't believe you... but me personally... I do"
I said.

"You do"
She questiond exactly.

I said.

Then we heard the sound of glass break and turned towards the noise.

"Ohh shiii..."
I stoped myself from cussing, there is a child next to me.


"Good going edmund"
I said staring at the armor on the floor, nocked over and broken along with the window.

"Oh shut up y/n"
He replied.

"What on earth is going on"
Mrs. Macready yelled.

We all looked to where the noise was comeing from.

"The macready"
Susan said

"Come on"
Peter said.

And we all ran to hide.

We could hear Mrs. Macreadys foot steps through the house. We all were panicking and frantically running through the house.

We made it to a door and went into the room.

And it just so happend to be the room with the wardrobe in it.

Edmund ran to it and opend it.

"Come on"
He said.

"You've got to be joking"
Susan said.

We hurd foot steps approaching.

"Ok let's go"
I said then all of us ran into the wardrobe. Peter was behind me. He had closed the door to the wardrobe.

We were all being pushed and bumping into eachother in the wardrobe.

All the siblings were fighting. I preferred to keep my mouth shut.

Before me and Peter were out of the wardrobe I looked back to see the entrance of the wardrobe but instead I became face to face with Peter.

I blushed looking at him.

I whispered.

He whispered back.

We stood there staring at eachother untill we hurd Susan call for us.

"Come on you two. You need to see this"

I quickly turned around and walked to Susan Peter followed behind me.

I was absolutely amazed at the sight before me. Almost as amazed as the time I first saw Peter.

Susan said

"Impossibly beautiful... almost like peter..."
I said. Whispering the last part.

Peter said looking at me.

I blushed and looked away.

"Don't worry... I'm sure it just your emagination"
Lucy said smiling.

We all looked at Lucy  Shocked.


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Words 408

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now