7 convo with the professor

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Your pov:

Me peter and Susan were now standing infront of the professor. I'm not sure about Susan or Peter but I am really scared.

"You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeping"
The professor said sitting down.

"Were very sorry sir-"
Peter said before I cut him off.

"We promis it won't happen again"
I said nurvisly.

Me and Peter tried to leave but Susan spoke up.

"It's our sister sir, lucy"
Susan began.

I was starting to get really anxious now. There was no reason to I new the professor was nice.

"The weeping girl?"
The professor replied

"Yes sir"
Susan said

"She's upset."
She began.

"Hence the weeping"
The professor replied looking at his books and papers.

"I-its nothing"
Peter stuttered.

"We can handle it"
He finished.

I just looked at him.

"Oh I can see that"
The professor said.

I giggled and everyone looked at me.

"Right ok well I'm gonna go back to bed now. You guys have a nice evening alright. Alright. Good night"
I said nervesly going to walk out of the room but Peter grabbed my arm making me stay. I looked at him annoyed.

And Susan started talking again.

"She thinks she's found a magical land."
Susan said.

The professor glanced up at her.

"In the upstairs wardrobe"
She went on.

The professor looked at Susan with shocked eyes.

'Why is he looking at her like that is that a good look or a bad one
I thought.

I looked at Peter. When the professor got up.

"What did you say?"
The professor questiond walking towards us.

He grabbed Susan by the shoulder.

"The wardrobe upstairs..."
Peter began.

Susan sat down

"Lucy thinks she's found a forest inside"
Peter said as he to went to sit down.

I agreed with peter.

Me and the professor were the only ones standing.

"She won't stop going on about it."
Susan said.

The professor sat down across from us.

"What was it like"
He questiond.

"Like talking to a loonitic"
Susan said.

"No no no not her the forest"
The professor asked.

"Your not saying you believe her?"
Peter questiond.

"You dont?"
The professor questiond back.

"Well of course not"
Susan started.

"I mean logically it's impossible"
Susan finished.

"What do they teach in schools these days?"
The professor questiond.

"Edmund said they were only pretending"
Peter said.

"He's usually the more truthful one is he?"
The professor questiond.

"No this would be the first time"
Peter said.

"Well if she's not mad and she's not lying. Then logically we must assume she's telling the truth"
The professor said.

"Your saying that we should just believe her"
Peter said.

"She's you sister isn't she. Your her family."
The professor said.

There was a moment of awkward silence untill I spoke up.

"I'm not..."
I began.

The professor looked at me so did the others.

"I'm not related to them I'm just their... friend"
I said.

The professor nodded.

"Well bonds between friend could be like family. Or more"
He said.

I smiled.

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Words 518

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