"Only he knows it's exact position" yeah sure albus because I totally believe that.

"Now as mister diggory, miss potter—" the man was silenced by the Hogwarts crowd cheering there names the loudest they could, flinging up there signs and posters up.

"And mister potter tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze followed by mister krum—" more cheers erupted from durmstrang.
"Then mrs delacour" elegant yelps followed his words.

"First pair to touch the cup will be the winners" he said looking over at serenity, who in returned rolled her eyes.

"At any point will a contestant wish to withdrawal from the task they must only send up red sparks with there wands" the headmaster said mimicking the movement of said spell.

"Contestants gather round" he said signaling all seven over.
"In the maze you'll find no dragons or creatures instead you'll face something even more challenging— you'll see people change in the maze. Find the cup if you can but be very wary you could just loose yourselves along the way." The man finished pushing his way though the group to infront of the maze.

"Way to brighten the mood" the Veela said, sarcasm running threw her words.
Cedric just smiled placing a final chaste kiss on her head.

"Prepare yourself" the man started as each pair went to there designated opening.
Cheers erupted once more from the crowd as serenity turned to her mother.

"You'll do great my darling i know it, I'm so proud of you. Please be safe" the ebony women said pulling her daughter into a tight embrace.
"Thank you mama, I promise I'll come back in one piece" she giggled pulling away from her mother.

"Goodluck, you too Cedric I need to make sure my favorite Hufflepuff stays safe" the veela women said pulling the boy into a side embrace.

"I'll make sure of it valencia" the boy smiled Turing away from the women and back to his witch.

"You ready?"
"Born ready"

It had felt like the two teens had been running for hours. Stoping at dead end after dead end.
The two were exhausted, but refused to stop running non the less.

Cedric's hold on serenity's hand didn't fall even after they had been almost mauled to death by the maze walls squeezing together.

A wheeze erupted from serenity's mouth as Cedric pulled her from the bushy closing walls.
The two ran faster than ever as they heard a scream.

"Was that?"

The wind picked up, Cedric and serenity continued treading through each pathway until they were met with the goblet on one side of them and Harry and krum on the other.

"Crucio!" Krum screamed the spell missing Harry, almost hitting serenity but was blocked by Cedric's wand.

"Get down— Expelliarmus!" Serenity yelled making the cursed boy fling back, knocking him out.

Cedric stood up quickly running towards krum paled body kicking his wand from his hand.
Cedric went to shoot a spell as the boy but was cut off by serenity grabbing his wrist.

"No stop! He's bewitched Cedric!" The girl called grabbing the boys shirt.

"Fine!" The hufflepuff called grabbing her hand pushing Harry back and racing towards the goblet.

The three teens pushed one another through every corner trying to get to the cup. Harry grasping and pulling at both his sisters and Cedric's shirts to stop them.

When finally the cup came back into view.
Cedric smirked grasping serenity's wrist racing past Harry.

"Yes!" Harry whispered pushing his sister.
Suddenly roots came up tripping Cedric over making serenity stop and pull at the roots.
Harry stoped after her quickly glancing between her and the cup.

"Cedric stay still! I can't stop them! Enough!" She yelled trying to stop the moving roots.
Harry finally turned to the two and took out his wand.

"REDUCTO" Harry yelled as his wand snapped towards the two.
Cedric gasped as serenity pulled him up finally fighting off the roots.

The three stood gasping looking away from one another.
"Thanks" Cedric whispered rubbing the sweat off his head.

"You know for a moment there I thought, you were going to let it get him" serenity started turning to her brother.
"For a moment so did I" he finished softening his eyes at the girl.

"Some game huh?" Cedric finished looking back at the goblet.
"Some game." Harry said as the walls started to combine themselves again.

"Go!" Cedric yelled pushing the two in-front of him. The wind picked up as the three raced to the cup.

Leaves flung into there eyes as they stood in front of the cup.
"Go on take it!" Cedric yelled to Harry while he looked at serenity.

"You saved me, take it!" The brunette boy said pushing the other boy forward.

"Together" he started.
"Three!" The three jumped forward and were pulled into what felt like a whirpool of power.

"What the actual fuc—"


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