Chapter 6

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Alice got up and quickly took a shower. Patrice picked out a short flower dress for her. She decided to wear her hair down and headed out. As she neared the café she started panicking. What was she doing? Was she crazy? She stood in front of the door for what seemed hours, until a woman cleared her throat behind her. "Are you going in?" The woman asked.

"Oh, sorry, yes. Got caught in thought." Alice said, opening the door and stepping inside. The small and intimate coffee shop welcomed her with its fresh coffee smell. She looked around and saw Mike talking on his phone motioning at her. With that smile that pulled her to him. She noticed he was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and khaki pants. He must be off today. As she near the table he hung up the phone. "Sorry if I am late." She said taking the chair he pulled for her.

"Nonsense, you're just in time. How do you take your coffee?" He said placing his hand on her bare shoulder to get her attention, making her jump. "I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"No, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. I've never done anything like this before."

"Drink coffee?"

"Meet a stranger for coffee." She said blushing.

"Well, I'm trying not to be a stranger. We are just here for coffee and to talk and get to know each other. Nothing to worry about, okay?" He said winking.

"Alright, I take it with cream and one sugar."

"Coming right up." He walked to the line. As he stood in line, Alice stared at him. He would steal quick glances at her direction and smile whenever he caught her staring. He got the coffees and walked back to the table, placing hers infront of her. "So, Alice Fletcher. Let's get to know each other."

"What would you like to know?"

"What is your major?"

"Journalism and English."

"Wow, impressive. I have a bachelors in Business Administration. I'm a consultant for different firms. That's why you'll see me once in a while at Thomas and Clark's. When do you graduate?"

"In two months. Just around the corner."

"Are you excited?"

"I'm actually nervous. All I've done all my life is study. Now I'm going into the world to work. It's a lot of pressure."

"You got a great internship. That place is one of the best firms to work at. And I know for a fact that they like to hire from within, so if you take advantage of it, you can grow within the company."

"I didn't know that. That would be wonderful."

"Can I ask you a private question?" He asked, looking serious.

"How private are you talking?" She said starting to feel uncomfortable.

"What was that all about last night? With the guy?"

"Oh, that. He's my ex boyfriend. We broke up a year ago. And last night he came into the restaurant announcing he had also gotten the internship and I lost it. Since we broke up, I've kept my distance and avoided him at all cost and now knowing I would be working with him everyday makes me so mad." She said and he grabbed her hand.

"I'm so sorry. Were you guys together for a long time?"

"Four years. He was my high school sweetheart. Thought we were going to end up together. My parents still think so, though."

"Why did you break up? If you don't mind me asking."

"He was very controlling and cheated on me multiple times, but what made me do it was that he hit me one time. That was it for me, I couldn't forgive him for that."

"Wow, I can't believe you would go through something like that. Specially with someone you're supposed to trust. How old are you?"

"I just turned twenty one last month."

"And you haven't been with anybody else? I mean, have you dated anyone else?"

"No, I broke up with him last year and it broke my heart. It took a long time for me to get over him. So, after that I just concentrated on raising my grades and graduating. Didn't go out, so I never met anyone. That's why I'm so nervous about this."

"Now I understand. And so far, how are we doing?"

"I'm feeling more comfortable."

"Do you have any questions for me? I'm an open book right now."

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty eight."

"Are you originally from LA?"

"No, I'm actually from Maine. I moved here for college and decided to stay after I graduated."

"I assume that you're single?"

"Yes, currently I am. Since two years ago."

"You haven't dated anyone in two years? That's hard to believe. Look at you! You must have women throwing themselves at you." She said as he laughed.

"We were together for eight years. The last two engaged. It turned out we wanted different things. She didn't want to get married or have kids, she wanted to travel the world. And she was having an affair with her yoga instructor. One day I came home, we lived together, and all her things were gone and on the kitchen counter there was a note with the ring telling me all this. After being together for so long I didn't know what to do. It felt like my heart was ripped apart. Never thought I would be interested in dating ever again. And yes, I've had women ask me out multiple times, but I wasn't interested in going through the whole thing again."

"Sorry to hear that. Eight years is a long time. But why ask me?"

"Why not? I like what I see. I felt something that day when I saw you."

"There's nothing special about me, Mike."

"Maybe you don't know it yet, but there is. You are very special." He said and looked at his watch. "Well, this was lovely, but I have some work waiting for me at home. Hope I didn't take up much of your time."

"No, I don't have any classes today. I was free." He got up and held her hand to help her up. He quickly grabbed her and gave her a hug that caught her by surprise but she quickly returned, and then he kissed her cheek.

"Hope we can do this again. I really enjoy your company."

"Me too. See you." She quickly waved and walked out of the café.

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