"No, you're the best."

She sipped her Chardonnay and we ate some of the food on the charcuterie board.



"How have you been? And I'm not asking like a general question, I mean genuinely." I said.

"I've been amazing. I feel like I'm just unlocking new levels of happiness at this time in my life. Everything's been good work wise, family wise, and most importantly, relationship wise. I'm just so proud of myself, I never thought that I would be able to experience happiness or even a life like this ever. I'm so glad I stuck around to see the good that life can bring, and I feel like I owe a lot of it to you."

"Baby, you don't owe me one thing. It's all your hard work and commitment that got you to where you are today. Your life is like a book, and I'm just a chapter in it. It's all you, baby."

"A chapter? You like a whole different book to me. We got my whole life and then we got just me and you. You're that special to me and I just feel like I owe you so much."

"You don't, I owe you. I never though I would get married because I'm always the one putting in my all, it was always a one-sided relationship. It was different with you, though. You do more for me than anyone has done my whole life. You're there even when you're not there and I'm so fuckin lucky to have you. I don't wanna get corny and shit so Imma stop, but happy birthday, baby. I love you so much and here's to a lifetime of love and loving you."

"I love you too. But, my birthday isn't for another two days."

"I know, but that's why we're here. We're celebrating the whole time. On your actual birthday, it's up. I got so much shit for you, you're not ready for it. You know what I can't wait for though?"


"That birthday sex."

"Now, Keh."


"I was thinking the same thing."

"Is that right?" We slowly started to me towards each other.

"Yeah." She licked her lips.

"Can I get a preview?"

"For all this, you can get whatever you want, my love."

"Come here."


It's the next morning and I'm getting breakfast for us. Y/n/n is still asleep, but I'll wake her up when I get back.

Today, I got a few things planned. I'm gonna get us breakfast, we're gonna go in the pool for a little bit, then we're gonna go around town and have a little cute lunch, and then lastly we're gonna surf.

I love surfing so much, and y/n/n's never been. She prefers to watch, but today I want to see her try. It's gonna take a while for her, but I know she can do it.

So far, I'm really enjoying it here. There are so many beautiful sights, the culture is amazing, so many things. I wish I could stay here longer. But I also got a wonderful daughter to take car of when I get home and I can't wait to see her again.

As I'm getting back to our room, I see a woman selling fresh sunflowers and I get some for y/n/n.


I'm back in our room and I see that y/n/n is up.

"Good morning, my love."

"Good morning, baby," I walked up to her and kissed her, "I got these for you." I handed her the bouquet of sunflowers.

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