Return of Trent Boyett

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Sam's PoV:

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Sam's PoV:

"Hi i'm Kyle"

The chubby boy ran away somewhere.


Kyle stared at the girl in confusion. "Isn't that a boys name?"

"Oh no it's just a nickname i like to be called by, my real name is Samantha!"

"Ohhh, that makes sense"

Two boys came towards us, one with a red poof ball hat and one in a orange parka. The chubby boy slowly following.

"Oh and this is Stan, Kenny and the fat boy is Eric but everyone calls him Cartman!" Kyle said with a grin.

"AYE I'm not fat you stupid jew"

"Nice to meet you Sam." Stan shook my hand.

"Mphmmm mhphhmm" Sam stared at the boy in the parka.

Kyle blushing madly said, "No i don't Kenny"

"What did he say"


"That Kahl has a big jew crush on you" Eric said while expecting his nails."

"oh.." Sam looked over at Kyle, his face blushing deep red.

"Anyways dudes, lets play fire men!" Stan explains excitedly.

"Totally, dude, let's play Fireman." Kyle agreed.

"Jews can't be firemen.... and stupid girls can't either!" The fat boy said angrily, pointing at Samantha. The girl went red with anger and embarrassment.

"Shut up, fatass!"

"Don't call me fat, you stupid Jew!"

Kyle and brown haired boy, Cartman started arguing with each other . Which seemed to annoy the black haired boy, Stan a bit. Kenny in the orange jacket spoke yet it his words came out as muffles because it was covering his mouth; although Sam could slightly make out what he was saying, that would only get better in time she supposed...

"hmph phmf mphf mfh (How about we put a real fire out?)"

"Hey, Kenny's right. We should put out a real fire.
Then we'll be heroes!"

"But how do we start a fire?"

"Trent Boyett will do it.
He's the toughest, baddest kid in preschool!"

"Say Encore!"


Suddenly Samantha remembered what her mum told her before her parents left her and her brother at school. ("Remember to be good and don't get yourself into any trouble or attract any unwanted attention!")

"Wait, wait... guys are you sure this is a good idea? This doesn't seem like the right thing to do!"

However the boys all ignored her. Kyle just smiled at her...

"What do you shitheads want?!" Trent said aggressively at the five new friends.

"Do you know how to start a fire?"

"Sure! I burn lots stuff."

"Start one.
Then we're gonna put it out." Cartman said bluntly.

"We're firemen!"

"Do you fuckheads even
know how to put out a fire?"

"Yeah yeah, we play Fireman all the time."

"Don't worry, Trent."

"All right, fine."

Sam couldn't help but worry behind the four boys. She didn't say a word, just watched the negotiation.

"Hey fellas, you'd better be careful." Butter came up the them. Sam gave a warm smile to Butters which was returned.

"Shut up, Butters!
We know what we're doing!" Cartman shouted making Sam frown.

"Oh, all right then." Butters sheepishly walked away.

"Wow, cool!" The boys admired the newly lit fire on the floor, which slowly started spreading. Sam backed away, watching the boys play firemen.

"Code 7! Bring in the firemen!"

"Woowoowoowoo, Clang clang clang clang clang!"

"Come on, firemen! Put out the fire!" The four boys started peeing on the fire to Sam and Trent's horror. However Sam ended up trying to put out the fire with her milk bottle she had in her hand.

"We're heroes!" The five backed away however the fire was still licking the carpet hungrily.

"We saved the school." The four boys celebrated while Sam watched the fire dance on the floor. Mesmerized by it.

"Put it out!" Trent pushed her and the boys aside with a worry stricken face. The teacher came running towards us. Chaos soon followed.

"Trent Boyett, what have you done now?!"

"They said they could put it out."

"Children, get back away, now!"


"I'm buuurniiing!"

"Put it out, put it out!"

The teacher pushed the six children back and started trying to stamp the fire, only making it worse for her. She caught on fire and started running around the classroom. Cries and wails could be heard all around...

"Come on, hurry!

We've gotta get her to the hospital!"

The five and butters did not own up for there actions, causing Trent to be thrown in Juvenile Hall, a prison for young children in South Park. His final warning burned in all of their guilty consciences..

"You'd better pray I never get out of Juvenile Hall!
You'd better ALL pray!"

Here is the new chapter. I hope you like it!

I started with this episode as it is in my opinion a good way to start the story, and then move on to episodes in earlier seasons. This episode gives the opportunity to show the past and introduce Samantha a bit to you all. Forgive me if i don't write about some of your favourite episodes.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you save the story if you want to read more. Please let me know what you think of this story.

I will update soon.

If you like this story and want to keep up to date on new chapter, make sure to ❤️ this story! Don't forget to comment one what you think if the story! 👍

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