Part 2

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As I was being chased by hawks, I was still heading towards the ocean. He tried getting me to land to ask questions, but I ignored him. I needed to get my food quickly and return or they'd be wondering where I went. He then sent some feathers at me, trying to hit my wings, which caused me to stop and stare at him. I shot a plasma blast at him, not one that could hit him, but I made sure it was strong enough to get close to his face and maybe burn some of his hair.

I could very easily knock him out or kill him with a plasma blast, but where's the fun in that? Once I shot at him, I started flying towards the ocean again. When the smoke cleared from in front of him, he started charging at me. I dove into the ocean before he could hit me and soon came up with a mouthful of fish. I then started flying back home slowly because I kind of wanted to see his reaction to me being a quirk.

It took about 10 minutes until I was back at the mansion, with Hawks still following me and trying to get me to land. When I did land, he noticed where we were. When Momo noticed I was back, she went outside to find me staring at Hawks. She went to get her parents while I stayed outside, making sure Hawks didn't try to enter. I just wanted to see his reaction, then I wanted him to leave. Soon she came back with her parents, who were a little mad I got a pro-hero to follow me.

"Nightshot, what did we tell you about going to get fish from the ocean?" I simply grumbled at that; they knew I liked catching my own fish, and fresh fish tasted better than store-bought. They then looked at Hawks who had landed on the grass, and when he tried getting onto the stone, I shot a weak plasma blast at his face. I heard the adults sigh while Momo giggled slightly.

"So Hawks, what can we do for you?" He looked at me. "I need to take them in for illegal quirk usage." We all just stood there silently. Until we began to laugh, Hawks looked confused. Momo then started explaining. "He isn't a person. He is one of my quirks." Hawks didn't believe her, so she asked me if she could de-summon me. I nodded, seeing as I was getting close to where Toothless became the alpha. Once she did de-summon me, I was right back where I left off, with Drago attacking the dragon sanctuary.

One weird thing was that when I was under the bewilderbeast's control, I could feel myself being summoned, but it didn't work. I was summoned again only after I had broken free from it. Hawks was gone already, and it was already time for the sun to rise again. I wasn't summoned for a whole day while under the bewilderbeast's control.

I was then kept summoned for about a month until Momo changed schools. She met her first real friend, Kyoka Jiro. Then I was summoned after I had beat Drago's bewilderbeast and was now surrounded by kids trying to pet me again. This time, I wanted to try the "Alpha Mode." So I started opening the flaps on my back, which then started glowing blue along with the top of my head and my mouth. This caused most of them to back away. One kid didn't listen to the warning I gave and tried petting me, only for me to roar in his face, causing him to run. And just like that, the whole school knew not to try petting me; some tried but were also roared at.

A few more years passed, and Momo knew how to ride on my back without making me want to fall out of the sky. She even practiced flying next to me while wearing the wing suit. She only did this when we went on vacation using a boat, so if need be, she could crash land on it. She learned how I shot the plasma blasts and took some of the flammable gas and tried making the same grenades as Hiccup did.

It failed multiple times, but after around three years, she was able to make it so they don't explode the instant she pulls the pin. Today was the day of the UA entrance exam, and unlike Canon, she went and did the non-recommendation exam. She wanted to test what she could do since she heard the recommendation exam was just an obstacle course.

She was driven there while I flew above just to make sure nothing happened. When we got there, I landed and shrank down to the size of a baby nightfury again. "Make sure you don't hurt anybody that makes you mad, Nightshot." I grumbled and just walked with her.

She smiled as we made our way inside, getting a few stares from people who saw me. She sat at the top while I lay down next to the seats. The explanation didn't get interrupted, which I found odd. 'Iida was supposed to interrupt Present Mic by complaining about UA not printing a paper properly.' But I couldn't think anymore, seeing as Momo made her way to change. I sat outside waiting, then we made our way to the fake city she was assigned to. I started growing to my full size while she told me something. "I want you to destroy any robots you see people not attacking, and help people who will be attacked as well."

I nodded and decided against using my "Alpha Mode" for this, seeing as it would be overkill and a single stray blast from it could cause multiple buildings to fall. I decided to look around at the people here. 'Ok, I can see Aoyama, Uraraka, Midoriya, and some nameless background characters. Still no Iida though.'

I was once again cut off from my thoughts as the doors opened, causing me to grab Momo and fly in. She created a sword as well as a few matches so she could make the gas grenades she made explode. I set her down and made my way to the back of the city, seeing as nobody would be there yet, and started destroying multiple two and three-pointers. After about ten minutes, I made my way back, only to find Momo out of breath in a pile of robots. I landed, and she summoned the saddle and got on. I flew up and landed on a building.

After she caught her breath and ate some food she brought as well as giving me some fish, I brought her back to the ground. Then we split up again, and this time I focused on saving people for the next few minutes until I heard the ground start rumbling. So I flew back to Momo, she climbed on, and we headed towards the zero-pointer. When we got there, we could see Midoriya falling. "Catch him and set him on the ground." I did so as we both could hear him muttering about getting at least one point.

Once the exam ended, I could hear people whispering about Midoriya as Recovery Girl made her way over. We left after she healed him, just to make sure he didn't need anything for his arm and legs. After we got to the entrance, I just flopped on the ground; this meant I wanted to be de-summoned, so Momo did just that. I was back at Berk, and I just slept most of the time, sometimes having to stop fights between dragons.

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